Blood Red Road Page 62

But this is where the plan ends. From now on, we got a wing it. Jest like Jack said.

We march along the path, through the chaal fields towards the platform.

We reach the edge of the open space. It’s jam packed an heavin with the hot sweaty bodies of the dancin slaves. The drums beat faster an faster. The slaves stamp their feet an chant. The noise is deafenin.

The four Tonton torchbearers push their way into the middle of the crowd, shoutin an shovin the dancin slaves aside, clearin the way to bring Lugh through. Then we close ranks an ram our way through the crowd as one unit, with me an Ike bringin up the rear. Close up, the sour smel of unwashed bodies fil s my nostrils. Makes me gag.

We reach the stairs to the platform. We’re goin up the stairs. We’re on the platform. Ike an me shrink down inside our hoods. I throw a quick glance at Vicar Pinch. At the King. He sits on his golden chair in his golden robes, starin out at the heavin, chantin crowd. No expression on his sparklin gold face.

The four Tonton carryin Lugh march over to the sandpit. As they set him down, his knees give an his head lol s back. They quickly catch him an stand him with his back aginst the pole. They tie him to it, hand an foot. Then they start to lay dry kindlin at his feet.

Lugh faces out towards the crowd. His chest’s bare. He’s only wearin britches an boots. His eyes is stil closed. His head hangs to one side, but I can see his lips movin. Without thinkin, I start towards him.

Ike grabs me. Wait, he hisses. Watch.

There’s movement al over the platform. The Tonton finish tyin Lugh to the pole. They jam their lit torches around the edge of the sandpit.

Then they hurry to line up on both sides of the pit. Two groups of seven, one on each side.

In the confusion, Ike an me manage to git ourselves on the end of the rows, closest to the pit. We’re the closest to Lugh. Ike on one side.

Me on th’other.

Make the most of any chance you git.

Drums beat, feet stamp, voices chant. The earth shakes.

Vicar Pinch, the Sun King, sits in his golden chair, raised up behind us on the smal platform. He’s anked by DeMalo an another Tonton guard.

DeMalo an th’other Tonton help Pinch to his feet. Now! Pinch screams. Light the re! He ings his arms open wide. Lifts his head to the night sky.

The Tonton beside us stomp their feet. They chant an sway.

Sweat runs down the back of my neck. We need Jack an Epona to make their diversion. Now.

C’mon, Jack! Where are you?

I look over at Ike, hidden by the hood of my robe.

Light the fire! Pinch screams agin.

Ike nods. Him an me step into the sandpit. We take a couple of the torches. The crowd’s stil chantin an dancin an drummin. They don’t seem to be payin that much at ention to what’s goin on on the platform.

Can you cover me while I cut him free? I hand Ike my torch. Lucky fer me he’s so big. He shields me with his robes as I duck down.

Make it fast, he says. If we don’t light this fire, they’l start wonderin what’s wrong.

My knife’s sharp. It quickly slices through the rope holdin Lugh’s ankles.

Quick! Ike hisses.

I got a free his hands, I says.

C’mon, Jack. The diversion! What’re you waitin fer?

Light the fire! Pinch yel s agin.

At that moment, a siren wails across the val ey. The same one that cal ed the workers in from the fields earlier.

A quick glance over my shoulder. The irrigation troughs al over the eld start to bust open. Fast. One after another. Water sprays out in great gushes, silver in the moonlight. Al over the chaal fields, the water troughs an channels blast open, overflowin, col apsin.

Jack’s diversion.

It’s a flood.

The end of Pinch’s precious crop.

The end of Pinch’s precious crop.

I work at the ropes tyin Lugh’s wrists.

Pinch screams in fury. Guards! Guards! Move, you fools! Move!

Around us, al the Tonton start to run. Rushin down the stairs, leapin of a the platform, they disappear into the fields to try an stop it.

I slice through the last rope tyin Lugh’s wrists to the pole. Ike heaves Lugh over his shoulder.

Go! I says.

Then it al happens in a flash.

DeMalo an th’other Tonton’s stil standin beside Pinch. They suddenly notice what we’re up to. As Ike sprints across the platform with Lugh, the hood of my robe fal s back.

DeMalo clocks me. Our eyes meet. Then he turns away.

He turns away.

At the same time, Pinch points at me an screams, Seize her! Seize her!

Th’other Tonton guard leaps from the platform. Comes at me.

As I grab a lit torch from the sandpit an throw it at him.

He ducks.

The torch lands on the edge of Pinch’s golden robe. Flames race up the material. He screams an beats at the flames.

I don’t stop to see what happens next. I leap down the stairs an into the middle of the crowd. The slaves is too chaaled up to do anythin.

Most of them’s stil dancin an chantin. Others sit on the ground or stand there, lookin confused, with foolish smiles on their faces.

Then I’m away. I race through the chaal fields. Stayin low, keepin unner cover. I head towards the Palace an the stables.

When I reach the stables, Ash’s got al the horses ready an waitin. They’re dancin with nerves from the shoutin an sirens an the smel from the flooded fields. Jack’s already there, on the back of a fine white stal ion that’s nervy with excitement.

Ike’s liftin Lugh up to sit in front of Jack. His head lol s forwards onto his chest. I run over an grab his hand.

Lugh! I cry.

No time fer that, says Jack.

Saba! Here! Ash tosses me the reins of a black mare an I swing myself onto her back. We did it! You got him!

Her an Ike mount up. Ike holds the reins of a spare horse fer Lugh to ride on once he comes to.

Let’s go! I says.

As we wheel the horses around, Ash yel s, Wait! Where’s Epona?

She was right behind me! Jack says. Leave her a horse! She’l catch us up!

We cain’t leave without Epona! I says.

Saba! he shouts it at me. We cain’t wait! C’mon!

We al gal op out a the stableyard an up the hil behind the Palace.

I bring up the rear. At the top of the hil , I look back, expec-tin to see Epona hard on my tail.

She ain’t there.

But down below, a mob of Tonton’s runnin along the path from the elds towards the Palace. They’re in the orchard, in the gardens, racin around the fountain. An they’re chasin somebody.

It’s Epona.

I pul up my horse. Wait! I yel at th’others. They got Epona!

They wheel around an come back. We got a ful view from here on top of the hil but there’s good tree cover so we cain’t be seen.

Epona reaches the Palace.

I’m goin back fer her, says Ike.

Jack grabs his reins. Stops him. It’s too late, he says.

I watch, my heart in my throat.

Epona makes a leap at a drainpipe an grabs hold. She starts to shin up it, real fast. Two Tonton start to climb behind her. They’re heavier, not so nimble. Epona ain’t armed. She must of lost her bow somewhere.

We got a do somethin! Ash says. We cain’t jest leave her, they’l tear her apart!

We al look at each other. I can see in Ike an Jack’s eyes what needs to be done. I swing my bow around, take it of .

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