Dragon Fate Page 24

Of course many had died at the feast, but most of them were dragons of the Upper World. According to the Firemaids, the feast day celebrating the victory in Ghioz was an event that dragons who remembered the Tyrship of Wistala’s brother used to celebrate his memory. Factions against NiVom and Imfamnia met on that day and used the meal as an excuse to organize and increase their numbers.

So it seemed the slaughter had served its purpose after all. It eliminated a good many dragons of an opposing faction and served as a warning to others.

Everyone looked tired and underfed. Wistala and Yefkoa, entering the Lower World, had seen vast pens of livestock waiting to be driven into the Lower World. They’d passed over a “drain drop” near Ghioz, where hundreds of pigs waited to be driven onto a cart floating in a rocky pool like a vast well. Yefkoa had explained that the water came by canal from the river. Then when the canal was shut, the draining water would gently lower the raft to a main artery in the Lower World, where the swine could be put on a barge. Meanwhile the canal filled another reservoir that would be opened to raise the raft again. It was an extraordinarily clever device dating back to the dwarfish kingdom that had once ruled in Ghioz.

She’d seen chests of salt, barrels of biscuits and root vegetables, brined this and dried that and smoked the other all passing into the Lower World, and very little of it seemed to find its way to the Lavadome. Either someone was getting monstrously rich diverting the flow, like the water-elevator developer, or there was a large population of dragons in the Lower World somewhere other than at the Lavadome.

“The tunneling thralls eat a lot. I know that,” Yefkoa had said. “Whole nations have been enslaved and driven underground. They always need to be replaced. They sicken and die after a few years, even if they get fresh fruits and vegetables, as the Ankelenes demand.”

As for the listlessness of the dragons she’d seen, Yefkoa had an answer for that as well. Each dragon had a “duty,” in either coin or blood, that was collected at every change in seasons, as gauged by the sun. The Tyr’s Demen Legion carried out the collections, filling cask after cask with dragon-blood—a Firemaid told her it was mixed with wine to preserve it—and sending them off to one trade-port or another.

The demen had changed, too. They were taller now, longer, with thicker skin and plate grown lumpy and craggy, like certain kinds of crustaceans. They had fishy, lifeless eyes shaded under heavy head-plates and they smelled like a plugged drain. Some of the more traveled dragons called them “the lobsters” because most of them were bright red about the carapace, with leading ranks adding gold paint to their plates to distinguish them from their soldiery.

They’d taken over many of the Firemaid duties in posts where thralls had to be worked. Dragon overseers could be begged and pleaded with, but demen were as merciless as ants.

That was the subject of her meetings with what remained of the Firemaids, at the old egg-refuge that dated back to the height of the civil war. Even NiVom and Imfamnia’s dreaded messenger-gargoyles didn’t dare enter it, for the Firemaids killed anyone but their own here. With Ayafeeia dead in Ghioz, much of her original purpose in coming to the Lavadome was lost. Ayafeeia had requested her presence, but had died before she could reveal her purpose. Ayafeeia, who’d grown up among the plots and plans of the Imperial Family, made a habit of not revealing her mind until the very last moment, and even then to only a trusted circle.

Wistala suspected it had to do with the dwindling and physical deterioration of the dragons in the Lavadome.

“We know she kept a few notes in her ears,” Yefkoa said. “I’ve seen her slip bone-cases for scrolls in there. That would be a clue.”

“Or compromising evidence,” another Firemaid said.

DharSii had once told Wistala a story of a dwarf philosopher who said that a frog plunged into hot water would leap out, but if you heated the water slowly, he would happily sit until boiled alive. Tallwillow, the famous elvish recipe collector and food historian, said that was balderdash, but it’s a sound philosophical point. If change comes slowly enough, even change for the worse, it meets less resistance than if it comes as a sudden shift.

She’d arrived in the Lavadome on the settled day of mourning for the dead. It was easy for her to disguise herself—she merely put on a good deal of face paint and hung black fabric from head and wings. DharSii himself wouldn’t recognize her unless they touched noses and he saw her eyes through the mourning wrap.

She’d been expecting a long procession of murdered bodies, each followed by the family mourners and thralls. Nothing of the sort happened, just small memorial fires of burning scented oils or braziers where family members could lay something that reminded them of the one they were mourning—say, a favorite preparation of fish or a piece of fabric the color of the dead dragon’s scale—and quietly watch it burn away.

Only one body had passed through the Lavadome, perhaps as effigy for the rest. SiHazathant, the male twin, had been borne in state to Imperial Rock at the center of the Lavadome. For the rest, some curious relatives had come to sniff, and perhaps remove valuable earrings and scale decor.

Wistala pulled aside a shaven-headed Imperial Family thrall who trailed in the wake of the procession. He had a heavy canvas sack slung over his shoulder and his job was to pick up any of SiHazathant’s scale that accidentally fell off.

“I thought there were dozens killed,” she said to him. “Where are the other bodies?”

“They were put in a big tunnel closer to Ghioz,” a human thrall said. “Only place that would let them lay out properly.”

Wistala believed him. Or she believed that he thought what he told her was the truth. Somehow the thralls passed word around before even dragons could fly with the news, it seemed.

Wistala thought it important enough to find out where the bodies had gone that she bade her sisters in the Firemaids farewell.

“I go in search of the bodies from the feast massacre. Ayafeeia’s, of course, is my main interest, but I am curious if the bodies bear some mark that would illuminate the true culprits.”

“You’ll have a job getting in,” a Third-Oath said.

“Why all this digging?” a younger dragonelle with an anxiously flicking tongue asked. “The old demen hold at the Star Tunnel has space equal to what’s been planned, and more. But it’s off-limits.”

“Off-limits?” Wistala asked. “What, to dragons?”

“Even the Firemaids.”

“That’s curious. What are the demen up to there, I wonder?”

“They migrated nearer to us. The demen live beyond the river ring, guarding the borders to the Lavadome. If you can call those brutes ‘demen’ anymore. The only one who goes there is Rayg, sometimes with NiVom and Imfamnia.”

Wistala wanted to speak with Rayg. If anyone could give her an honest opinion about the cracks appearing in the Dragon Empire, it was their “First Thrall.”

Flying to the top of Imperial Rock was still forbidden, so she went in the entrance for dragon-petitioners. It was crowded with dragons lining up to express their sorrow at the death of SiHazathant, so it was easy for her to disappear into the crowd. When a young drake page came in to announce five more names of those who’d won an audience with SiHazathant’s sister, she nipped out down the low thrall passage that led to the kitchens.

She knew Imperial Rock well. Once in the kitchens, she grabbed a couple of tonguefuls of meat-broth and a stew joint—odds and ends the cooking thralls wouldn’t report her for stealing, but it explained the presence of a dragonelle—then headed for one of the older passages up. Skulls of vanquished opponents still grinned down at her from the tunnels.

Up she climbed. Imperial Rock was empty enough to echo. She heard some noise down at the end where the training wing of the Aerial Host still resided, dragons and dragonelles freshly winged were encouraged to at least do a year in the Host so they could say that they’d faced death, as was expected of any dragon who wished for position and title.

For a human, Rayg had done extraordinarily well on both. He’d never quite won his freedom, for one reason or another, but there were many dragons with less wealth and influence than this particular thrall.

Rayg had built himself a niche that made him virtually irreplaceable. He possessed a rare mind, able to synthesize different facts under the sciences of different disciplines. He was part inventor, part sorcerer, part repairman. He’d designed the original wing joint that kept her brother functional, one way or another, across years of use. According to the Firemaids, he had a long backlog of projects, from better saddles for the dragon-riding men of the Aerial Host to a new mill for grinding grains and corns into better stock feed. The twins had surrendered much of the top of Imperial Rock to his workshops, laboratories, and libraries, and he seldom descended from an observatory he’d built at one end of the rock, sticking out and up from the narrow, arrowhead end of Imperial Rock like a broken mast on a ship.

“Don’t stand under it,” a thrall carrying water for the gardens warned. “He likes to drop stuff out his window to test new weapons for the Aerial Host. If you hear a whistle, you have about three seconds before a loud bang. Hug ground.”

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