Fallen Academy: Year Four Page 22

Everyone eyed their disc cautiously, including the archangels, before ultimately placing it in their pockets.

“Wait.” I shook my head to clear my thoughts. “So, now we could all… go down to Hell together?”

If I could bring the archangels and Lincoln down there, I could wipe out Lucy, and save Raksha!

Metatron nodded. “You can. What you do with them it’s your choice.”

Free will.

I peered at his hands. “You said you have something for me?”

He nodded, gesturing toward the gate. When my gaze followed his, the angels standing there parted, revealing Bernie. Right beside him was… my father.

A cry lodged in my throat as I broke into a run, holding my injured arm to my chest. He was a golden spectral ghost, younger and healthier-looking than I remembered him, but it was my dad 100 percent.

“Dad!” I sobbed, running full blast at the gate.

With a grin, he slowly stepped out of the gated entrance, and I sputtered to a stop a second before crashing into him. As his figure moved out of Heaven and into the in-between, his golden form solidified into a physical-looking body. It was like he was alive again.

“Hey, peanut.” He reached out and cupped my face. The second his warm skin touched mine, I burst into tears. This was all I’d ever wanted—one more moment with him, one more chance to hug him.

As if he read my mind, he opened his arms and pulled me into a hug.

I was hugging my dad. How was this happening?

I couldn’t turn off the tears; they just kept coming, pouring down my face.

“I’ve missed you. Like crazy. Mikey is a wolf shifter, and Mom’s living in Angel City. So much has happened,” I told him through my tears.

He smiled, pulling away to meet my gaze. It was crazy to see him so young and happy, like in old pictures. It felt like I was dreaming.

“I know sweetie. I watch over you guys all the time.” His voice… God, I’d forgotten what he sounded like. It was the best thing in the world to hear it again.

“I got married,” I croaked, showing him my ring with a shaky hand.

He nodded. “I know. To a good man, like I always knew you would.”

My throat tightened with emotion, and I wondered if I would ever stop crying. “I love you, Dad. Are you… happy here?”

It seemed like a ridiculous question. This was Heaven, after all. Obviously, people were happy here… right?

He stepped closer and a warmth washed over me; I could feel his love enveloping me, and it was unconditional, without reservation. Fresh tears streamed down my cheeks, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop them. I didn’t think I could ever stop them again.

“I’m happy, yes. I’ll be even happier when we’re all together once more, but I’m busy with my own spiritual work right now. I do check in on you all frequently though.”

Whoa. Spiritual work? There went my idea that Heaven was a permanent vacation of swimming with dolphins, and endless margaritas.

“Brielle, I must close the gate now,” Metatron’s voice boomed behind me, and I nodded in understanding. I didn’t want to say goodbye to my dad, but I was grateful for the small gift we’d been given.

“Tell your mother I’m happy for her, that all I ever want is for her to be happy,” he instructed me.

Raphael. I’d totally forgotten about my mom and Raph dating, but now that I was standing before my father, it came to the forefront of my mind. He knew she’d moved on, and he was okay with it. It just made me cry harder.

“I love you, Dad.” My throat tightened.

He smiled at me. God, it was crazy to see him looking so healthy and happy.

“I love you too, and I’m so proud of you.”

I reached out and wrapped my good arm, around him one more time. As I squeezed, I noticed his body was becoming squishier. He was losing his form, going spectral again.

“Brielle. We need to get the injured back,” Lincoln called softly from behind me. “Hello, sir.” Lincoln nodded to my father as I pulled away.

My dad beamed. “Hello, son.”

More sobs racked my body at their exchange, and my legs went weak. What was worse than losing a parent? Having to say goodbye to them twice. I didn’t think I could do it again.

“Love you, baby girl,” my dad whispered, and my legs finally gave out as grief rolled through me.

Lincoln scooped me into his arms as my father backed away, until he was in Heaven once more. Metatron waved, closing the gate, and locking my father and Bernie behind it.

A huge hole opened inside my chest, but all I could do was wave. I’d run out of words, of energy, of everything.


Saying Lucy was pissed since I’d botched his heavenly war was an understatement. Hell had reigned on Earth, and it felt like it was partially my fault. Angel City was constantly being infiltrated by demons, the skies were dark and stormy, and it rained as though we were in Demon City instead. Lucifer was making his anger known.

“Why can’t you just do it for me?” I shouted for the hundredth time at Raphael and Mr. Claymore. Sera lay on Raphael’s desk, covered in the black crap Lucifer had put on her a week ago, when we’d warred in Heaven.

‘Because he’s an ass,’ Sera answered.

“Because this is a school, and we’re here to teach. I want you to learn to dismantle the Devil’s darkest spells by yourself.” Mr. Claymore crossed his arms. I’d brought the matter to Raphael, hoping he’d help me and have my back, but he’d barely said five words since we got here.

“I’m not a Mage,” I answered through gritted teeth.

Claymore nodded. “No. You’re greater than that.”

I sighed. “Raph, help me out here.” I wanted to storm into Hell with the Fallen Army and take out Lucifer, but I couldn’t do that until my weapon was free.

Raphael shared a look across his office with Grace. Emberly’s mom had grown her human, demon hunter school fivefold since she’d received the technology gifted to her by the Creator. I’d barely had time to look at it all, but it was glowy, lethal, and badass.

“I agree with Mr. Claymore,” Raphael finally concluded.

Reaching over, I picked Sera up by her hilt and huffed. “Fine. I’ll do it myself.”

“Girl power! You got this.” Grace reached out to fist-bump me on my way out, and I couldn’t help but chuckle and fist-bump her back.

If it took every waking minute of the next week for me to learn to dismantle this energy, I would. Screw classes—this was my next assignment.

‘It feels awful, like I’m touching slimy wet food in the sink,’ Sera griped.

‘How do you know what wet food feels like?’

‘I just do.’

Weird. I’d never understand how Sera sensed all this stuff.

I burst out of the office and nearly collided with Michael. He looked stressed, with black soot smeared over his face, and a bleeding gash above his eye.

Steadying myself against the wall, I took him in. “Oh, Michael. Are you okay?”

He looked down at Sera, and the blackness that covered her. “May I walk with you?”

‘Yes,’ Sera answered seductively.

I ignored my infinity weapon, focusing on the archangel. “Sure.”

As we stepped away from the office, Michael stopped and faced me. “I actually wanted to talk to you about something.”

Nerves clawed at my gut as I ceased walking, and faced the archangel. “Okay. What is it?”

He paused for a moment, just looking at me. “We’re all so proud of what you’ve accomplished in your time at the academy,” he finally answered.

Oh God.

“What’s wrong? Am I getting kicked out?”

Michael’s head jerked back. “No, no. I just… Raphael would never tell you, but I think you can handle it.”

Is my mom dying? My brother? What the hell’s going on? “Tell me,” I pressed.

A heavy sigh left him. “Tonight, the archangels and I are making an evacuation plan. We simply can’t sustain this level of security night after night.”

“Oh.” Suddenly, I knew what he meant. “Unless I can take Lucifer out.”

Michael nodded. “He’s creating hundreds of demons a day. If you could fulfill the prophecy… we’d certainly have better odds.”

Angel City and all of its inhabitants were counting on me. Some chick with powers she didn’t fully understand. Still, I had to believe I had the power to do this. I trusted Raphael, and he believed in me. All the archangels believe in me.

Reaching out, I squeezed Michael’s shoulder. “I won’t let you down. Give me a week.”

He grinned. “You got it.

After he turned to head back to the office, I put the conversation out of my head, and strode across campus to meet up with Mikey. I hadn’t seen much of my little brother since he came to Fallen Academy, considering I was either stuck in Hell or he was off with his ‘pack.’ We’d all just come to accept that his life would be different from now on, and counted our blessings when he was on campus.

I’d told him, and my mother, about what my dad said when I saw him in Heaven, and it brought a sense of peace over our family. My mother had burst into tears when I’d told her my dad totally approved of her dating, and just wanted her to be happy. Now, Mikey and I were having a brother-sister picnic lunch, something I’d just started with him, and hoped to continue monthly. I never wanted to get too busy for family.

Looking up, I saw my brother sitting on a little blanket on the school field, with two sub sandwiches wrapped and uneaten. His hulking form was bigger each time I saw him, and it felt weird to call him my little brother considering how big he was physically.

“Are you sure one sandwich is enough for you? Maybe get a small cow to go with it?” I teased.

He turned, grinning. “Yeah, I ate before I came.”

Chuckling, I lay Sera in the grass before giving him a hug.

He glanced down at my blade, and the dark magic that crawled along it. “No luck?”

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