In Deep Kimchi Chapter Twelve

"This is the life," Shaundra said as she relaxed in the hot springs.

Dorothy sat next to her sipping on a large glass of iced tea.

"It sure is. I feel rejuvenated already."

"I wonder how the men are enjoying their soak on the other side of this wall."

"Probably embarrassed to be naked in front of each other. All except Jackson. He must be having the time of his life."

"I wonder if Harper is still mad at me." Part of her didn't really care, but he was her employer.

Dorothy turned her nose up at the thought. "Probably, but it's not your fault."

Shaundra turned her head so Dorothy could not see the pained look in her eyes. "I could have prevented it. I know they both like me." Oh God, she felt like such a big tease.

"I should be so lucky. I've never had two men interested in me and you have three."

Shaundra sighed. "I'm afraid it could be more than that. Add the photographer friend of Harper and Aomori's music arranger I met the other night. His name is John Sampson."

Dorothy perked up. "I've heard of him. He was famous in the United States. You say he's here in Tokyo?"

Damn, Dorothy's eyes lit up like two neon lights. Did others see her like that too, old and desperate? Shaundra shuddered, hoping not. "Yes.

See what you missed the other night?"

"You have to arrange for another one of those rehearsal invites. I wouldn't mind meeting John Sampson. He's fine."

"I don't know what's happening. I must be emitting some kind of female dog in heat scent."

Dorothy laughed loudly. "You think? Honey, you're beautiful, shapely and available. Add a gifted erotic author who's financially independent and you're going to draw men to you like flies."

Shaundra laughed, splashing water toward Dorothy. "You're worse they are. Give me some advice. What would you do if you were in my shoes?"

"I would screw all of them."

Shaundra continued to laugh. "I don't know why I asked you." It was not like the thought hadn't crossed her mind a time or two.

"Ask yourself honestly which one you like best, and let me say Ichiro has the loveliest blue eyes, which is a rarity in Asia."

"He also has the softest skin. I feel like putting talc all over him,"

Shaundra confessed.

"Listen to us," Dorothy said. "We're old enough to be his mother."

She shuddered in the warm water as an image of a naked Ichiro formed in her head. "Then how come I'm not having motherly thoughts about him and Yori?"

"That Yori is so hot," Dorothy replied, lifting her leg out of the hot water and then lowering it. She did the same with the other one.

"Yeah, I know. He makes my heart flutter and my skin sizzle when we dance together. And he's a great kisser." Oops, maybe I should not have said that.

"Ooh, you've kissed him? When?"

"Shush. The other night when we came back from the photo shoot. We stopped for a drink in the lounge after you guys went upstairs to your rooms. He ordered champagne and the next thing I know, we were kissing like a couple of randy kids outside of my hotel room door." Shaundra touched her mouth. Yori's kiss had been so hot and demanding.

"Outside the room? Are you crazy? Why didn't you bring the man into the room?"

"Don't think I wasn't tempted. But then reality sank in and I sent his horny ass to his room."

"You're a cock tease."

Shaundra chuckled. "I've been called worse." Hell, I've done worse.

"I'm beginning to see a whole different side of you, darling. You're not the innocent woman the world thinks you are."

Shaundra chuckled. "Hell no. I've done my fair share of dirt in my youth. But it all changed after my husband died." She stopped talking.

Maybe she had said too much. The anger she felt for him leaving her behind still hurt.

"He died, honey, not you. Just because there's a little snow on the mountain doesn't mean you have to give up living."

Shaundra treaded water and then swam back. "Yes, I know. I'm so confused. I don't want to make the wrong decision. Is it possible that I can have both of them?" Joking was the way she covered up how she really felt.

"You know the answer to that. You're one of the best erotic writers in the world. Of course you can."

Shaundra smirked wickedly. "That's what I like about you, Dorothy.

Charlotte would have told me hell no."

"That's why she's stuck in New York mooning over Harper. Maybe if she'd loosen up a bit, she'd have him by now."

"Speaking of him, I hope he doesn't blow this partnership because of his one-sided affection for me. I've told him a thousand times that I'm not interested in him that way."

"Harper is not stupid. This partnership is too important to him. He's not going to mess it up because Aomori is smitten with you."

"Only two of Aomori. The other two just tolerate me." She stretched.

"I think I've been in the water too long. I'm starting to wrinkle." She swam to the edge, got out and put on her robe.

Dorothy followed her. "I've got enough wrinkles. It's time for our massages anyway."

Yori spotted Shaundra as she disappeared behind the door with her masseuse, moments after he finished with his massage. They had paired her up with a male. Yori shuddered. It took everything he had not to barge into the room and toss the man out and take his place. His cell phone rang.

Yori pulled it out of his pocket. "Damn, it's Amaya." He pressed the green button. "Hello."

"Hello, Father has finalized his plans. We are arriving tomorrow."

"I'll be waiting," he said, trying to sound convincing as he kept his eyes on the door. "I'll call you later." He hung up before Amaya could respond and put his cell phone back into his pocket. What was he going to do now? And how was he going to keep Amaya from finding out about those photos? The photographer told them that the magazine would be printed tonight and they would be on newsstands tomorrow.

"What are you doing?" Satoshi asked as he came out of one of the rooms fixing his clothes.

"Stalking," Yori answered.

Satoshi looked around. "Who?"

"Shaundra Morrison."

"Where is she?"

Yori pointed toward the room. "She just entered a short time ago wearing a short white robe and exposing those shapely brown legs."

"Why are you torturing yourself?" Satoshi asked.

"I'm not doing it on purpose. I wish Ich and Takumijo would hurry up so we can get out of here before she's exits."

"You know Takumijo. He's milking it for all it's worth."

"That sounds so dirty."

"Picked it up in America on my last trip."

Ichiro appeared next, followed by Takumijo.

"I'm starved," Takumijo said. "Are you hungry?"

"I'm starved," Satoshi answered. "Come on, let's go get something to eat."

Yori made an attempt to leave with them. "Damn, I left my wallet in the room. You guys go ahead. I'll meet you out front."

The other three waved good-bye and left.

Shaundra's head sprang up. Is that Yori's voice I hear? The masseuse pushed her head back down and continued to massage the back of her neck and down her spine. Shaundra relaxed. Ooh, he has magical fingers.

Still, she thought she heard Yori. Was he there about to get a massage too? She pictured him lying on his stomach with just a thin sheet across his waist. With her eyes closed, she could plainly see the taut muscles in his back, the bulging biceps of his arms and his tight buttocks. Ooh, it was enough to give her a hot flash.

Fingertips dug into the small of her back just above the rise of her behind. Yori's touch would be like this, she decided and the man massaged her waist.

The masseuse raised the sheet just as he got near her behind. Drat.

Yori would not have stopped. A buzzer went off in the room, ending her dream and calling an end to the massage. A half hour had gone by so quickly. The masseuse left the room to give her time to dress. The door opened and closed. She knew she should get up and dress, but she was too comfortable. The door opened and closed again. Shaundra tried to get up by using her elbows.

"Don't move," a deep voice said.

Shaundra froze. "Yori?" She slid back down. What is he doing here? A warm hand landed on her back and slid down to where the sheet landed.

Shaundra tried to turn over as his fingers moved under the sheet and kneaded one of her cheeks.

"Don't. Just allow me this one weak moment."

"But the masseuse?"

"Won't be back. I've already taken care of that." He snatched the sheet away, exposing her bottom. "So lovely. I knew it would be." He ran his hand over both cheeks. "I can't stop thinking of you and, even though I know my best friend is in love with you, I can't stop myself."

"But I..."

"No, let me finish, Shaundra. If things were different, I'd fight tooth and nail to have you. But I have to be honest with you. I have been engaged to a young woman named Amaya since I was four years old. It was one of those arranged marriages between our parents. The reason I'm telling you this now is because she and her family are on their way here to Tokyo. I didn't want you to find out any other way."


"Yes. I would say you'd like her, but that would be a lie."

"Are you in love with her?"

"No," Yori answered honestly. "I thought I was until I met you."

Shaundra sighed. "Don't use me as an excuse, Yori."

"I'm not. But both you and I have responsibilities. And as leader of Aomori, I have to put my feelings for you aside for the better of my group.

I must stay with Amaya because the fan girls know of my relationship with her." He allowed his finger to dip between her cheeks until he touched her private area. "Your skin is so soft."

Shaundra melted as the finger entered her. "Don't. Oh."

Yori continued to finger her. He gently pried her legs apart to get at her better. It didn't take long to bring her to climax.

Shaundra's back arched and she drenched his fingers with her juices.


She felt Yori straighten up. "Just to show how much I want you." He stepped away and Shaundra sat up, covering herself with the sheet. "It has been a pleasure, Ms. Morrison."

Shaundra sat there, dumbfounded, after Yori left the room. "Damn him," she mumbled as her heart settled down. She slid from the table and sniffed the air. His cologne still clung to the room, mixing with the scent of her orgasm. Why had he done that to her? Didn't he know how it would affect her? Did he care? She found her clothes and dressed. She was going to give him such a piece of her mind if she found him in the waiting room when she exited.

Shaundra slipped on her shoes and opened the door. Drat, everyone was there in the waiting room except Yori.

Had they seen him leave? She wondered. She looked them in the eye as she approached. She couldn't find a sign that they had.

"I hope you're hungry," Harper said as he rose.

"Starved," Shaundra replied quickly. Damn that Yori. Her body still tingled. "Do you think you can find us some American food in this big mall? I can use a hamburger and lots of fries."

"I can do fries," Riley agreed. "And a steak. Japanese food is good, but it's not filling. I need beef."

They left the spa and re-entered the mall. There were a lot more people around than when they first entered. Harper led them past some clothing stores, a game arcade and snack bars.

Shaundra kept looking back over her shoulder, expecting to find Yori standing amongst the crowd. Two more days until the concert and then the grand opening of KiNii. A week later, she would be on her way back to the United States and putting a lot of distance between her and Aomori.

"Yori!" Amaya screamed at her boyfriend when she saw him waiting in the lobby of the hotel when they arrived. Her father was busy at the desk getting the keys to her room and that would buy her some time alone with him. He was dressed surprisingly neat in a dark blue suit cut to fit his tall, thin frame, and he had a haircut. She threw her arms around him.

He'd lost some weight, but not too much. He usually did during rehearsal time. He returned the hug, but it lacked emotion. He quickly released her when her parents approached.

Yori bowed to her parents. "How was your trip?"

At least he had sense not to show what he was feeling in front of her parents.

"Most enjoyable," Dai Saitama said as he shook Yori's hand. "No turbulence."

Yori turned to her mother, took her hand and kissed it. "Always a pleasure, Mrs. Saitama."

"You look good, Yori," Kaori Saitama said. "I told Amaya that suits were made for your frame."

Amaya smirked. Her mother was putting on the charm real thick. Just the other day she had been blessing Yori out for leaving Osaka and not calling often.

"How long will you be in town?"

"Just a couple of days," Dai answered. "We're here on business and to see your concert."

"And don't forget shopping," Amaya added as she inched her way toward Yori.

"No, let's not forget shopping," her father replied. "I promised her a new telephone."

"What's wrong with her old phone?" Yori asked.

"Outdated," Amaya answered for herself. "All my friends have the latest."

Dai rolled his eyes at the ceiling in mock horror.

Amaya smirked again. Her father was a comedian. "Where are the rest of your friends?"

"Asleep in their room," Yori answered.

"At this time of the day? What a bunch of slackers." Deep inside, she was glad to have some alone time with Yori.

"Have you eaten?"

"No, not yet," Dai answered.

"Good, then I'd like to take you all to breakfast after you bring your things up to your rooms." He signaled for a bell boy who came and began putting their luggage on a rack.

"Mrs. Saitama and I won't be able to join you for breakfast because we have a meeting with one of our suppliers in an hour. But you and Amaya can go and enjoy yourselves," Dai replied.

Yori followed them on the elevator and up to their rooms. He pulled Amaya aside after her parents went inside. "Meet me in the lobby in fifteen minutes, and please don't be late. Then, he walked away.

Amaya watched him leave. "He's sure acting strange. What is he hiding?"

Yori ran into Satoshi as he tried to get back to his own room. Satoshi was dressed in warm-up gear, which meant he was on his way for his morning workout. There was a time Satoshi used to go out jogging, but he was too popular now to do it without being mobbed. Fans would line the street just to get a look at him and some even joined him as he jogged and tried to talk to him. Satoshi gave up his favorite activity as soon as it began to cause traffic jams. Of course, Satoshi was the last person he expected to see, or wanted to see at the moment. He didn't feel like answering any questions.

"What's with the suit?" Satoshi asked once he neared.

"The Saitamas have arrived."

"Oh. See you later." He walked off.

Huh? Yori hadn't thought that would happen. He used the key card, entered his room, and listened while the door closed behind him. Then, he just stood there. He had planned to call Shaundra to let her know that Amaya had arrived. Now he didn't think that was a good idea. Eventually, she would see her with him. Why cause any unnecessary friction? He used the toilet to kill some time and then left the room and went down to the lobby, hoping to get Amaya into the restaurant without running into anyone else he knew. Hopefully, the authors were sleeping late or had already left the building.

He found Amaya waiting in the lobby.

"The restaurant is down on this floor," he told her.

"Where are your guards?"

"Sleeping probably," Yori answered. "I didn't bother calling them. I know how uncomfortable they make you."

"But what if someone recognizes you?"

"Then I'll sign an autograph and send them off. But I hope that won't happen." Amaya followed him through the lobby and down a couple of aisles until they reached the restaurant. He held the door open for her to step inside. He found the place teeming with life. A lot of families were there eating breakfast along with businessmen in suits. A waitress arrived quickly and escorted them to table in a spot where they could see what was happening around the entire room. She handed them menus.

"What do you recommend?" Amaya asked her once she opened the menu.

"That depends on what you like. We serve an American breakfast, as well as a traditional Japanese breakfast."

"Japanese," they both said together.

"And a side order of Tamagoyahi," Yori told the waitress.

Moments later, the waitress returned with rice, grilled fish, omelets, pickled vegetables, and pieces of nori to pinch up bits of rice with.

"Tamagoyahi?" Amaya asked.

"Eggs infused with maple syrup," Yori explained.

Amaya turned up her nose.

"You have to try it. It's delicious."

They discussed life back in Osaka. They were midway through their breakfast when he heard two familiar voices. Yori looked up. Ichiro had arrived dressed in a linen suit, accompanied by Shaundra, also dressed fancy in a green suit. Ichiro's hair was pulled back, exposing his forehead, which caught Yori's attention because he could not recall the last time he'd seen Ichiro without bangs. The two of them made a striking couple and cause several heads to turn in their direction as the waitress seated them. Unfortunately for him, they were placed close to him and Amaya with only a couple of tables separating them.

Amaya turned around in her chair to see what had his attention and then she quickly turned around again. "Is that Ichiro?"

"Yes," Yori answered.

"And that woman from the YouTube video?"


Amaya took another look. "Ichiro is with a woman?"

Yori wished she wouldn't stare so openly at the couple. It would only encourage others to stare at them too. "Yes, why is that a surprise?"

Amaya turned back to face him and to continue eating. "You know. I didn't think he liked women."

Yori picked up his cup of coffee and tasted it. He now preferred it to tea in the morning. "Why not?"

"You know. I thought maybe he liked men because...." She giggled.

"No, Ich is not like that. Just because a man has a couple of feminine qualities does not make him gay."

"Come on, Yori. You have to admit that Ichiro has more than just a couple of feminine quirks. I've never seen him in a suit and I've known him for years. He wears makeup; his movements are graceful, and let's not mention that tea ceremony thing he does."

Yori smiled. "I will admit that he's a bit eccentric, but definitely not gay."


Yori considered the possibility. "No."

"How do you know?"

Amaya never gave up when she had something like this to talk about.

"I have lived with him for fifteen years, shared countless bathhouse and shower experiences with him and haven't seen one erection for being around a bunch of naked men."

"Maybe he just hides it well," she insisted.

"I don't think he can hide something like that." He did recall an incident when that had happened to another one of his friends, but not Ichiro.

Amaya sipped her tea. "So, why is he here with her this morning?"

"They are friends. Masaaki thinks she brings out the best in Ichiro.

He's more talkative when she is around."

Amaya nearly choked on her tea. "Are they lovers?"

"No," Yori answered, almost upsetting his cup of coffee.

"Why did you answer like that?"

"The two of them are not lovers. They barely know each other."

Amaya peeped around her chair again. "He's feeding her. I think they know each other better than you think."

Yori refused to lift his eyes to watch.

"They seem pretty friendly to me. Listen to her laugh. Since when is Ichiro so entertaining?"

"Ms. Morrison does that to him."

"I think they're lovers."

"No, they are fellow employees. Shaundra and three other authors are here to help with Mr. Niigata's new publishing company. I thought I told you that he asked us to get to know them and be seen with them as part as the promotion."

"So he brought four female writers here from America? Do they all look like her?"

"No. One is an older female, and the others are two men in their thirties. He has also coupled them with four Asian writers to help with the promotion."

Amaya held her head. "Too complicated and too many people." She paused. "Why didn't he choose a Japanese female?"

"I don't know. You will have to ask him."

"Don't think I won't do it."

"You sound like you have a problem with interracial dating."

"No, it's more like why look elsewhere for food when there's plenty of chickens walking around in your own back yard?"

Yori chuckled. "That's horrible, even for you." He never understood where Amaya came up with half the stuff she said. He had to remember that was one of the things that he liked about her. She could be amusing at times.

Ichiro laughed merrily as Shaundra told him something. Boy, he'd pay anything to get that on tape. No one was going to believe that the two of them had been talking throughout the entire meal. Ichiro seemed animated in his description about something and Shaundra just laughed.

"Why are you staring at them?"

Yori didn't realize that he'd been doing this until Amaya's words pierced through the haze. "It's just nice to see Ich happy."

Amaya peered around at them again. "I agree. He must really like her." Shaundra moved from the table and walked toward the ladies room.

Amaya ducked back. "Hey, she's much older than he is."

"Yes, that's what he likes about her. She's mature and not a giggling idiot."

"And she has a killer body."

"I hadn't noticed. Anyway, that's their business." He looked down at his watch. It was close to nine in the morning and Masaaki wanted all of them at the Dome for rehearsal at noon. "Would you like to come see us rehearse today?"

"What time?" Amaya asked.


"Can't," Amaya answered. "Got plans." She didn't offer any further explanation.

Shaundra came back from the restroom. She nodded at him as she passed. Moments later, Ichiro settled their bill and the two of them rose from the table and prepared to leave.

Amaya took one last look. "How long is she going to be in town?"

"Another two weeks. Why?"

"Just wondering."

He knew there was more to it than that.

Amaya stretched. "I think it's time for a nap."

Yori signaled for the waitress. Maybe he had time to telephone Shaundra before rehearsal. The waitress came and he settled their bill.

Amaya rose and walked out of the restaurant ahead of him. Yori followed her out, catching a glimpse of Ichiro and Shaundra as they slipped into the limousine with Kenshin. Where are they off to? No wonder Satoshi hadn't been talkative this morning. Yori bet he knew that Ichiro had finally manned up and asked Shaundra out on a date. Leave it to Ichiro to grow some balls on the day Amaya arrived.

"What are you going to do the rest of the morning while I rest?"

Amaya asked as they walked toward the elevator. They stepped in once the elevator arrived.

"I need to call home and check on my parents, and then it's off to rehearsal for the rest of day. I'm sorry I couldn't arrange more time off to be with you today, but it's going to be late when I return."

"That's okay. I'll busy myself shopping and visiting the mall." She stretched again as the elevator door opened on the ninth floor. "Maybe I'll get a massage. I heard there's a place in the mall that does excellent work."

Yori ordered his face not to twitch at the mention of the massage parlor. Instead, his mind replayed the little erotic episode of his seduction of Shaundra Morrison while she lay naked on one of the tables. It sent a bolt of adrenaline down to his jock. This was one of those times he was thankful that his suit jacket covered his pelvic area. He walked Amaya to her room and made sure she was safely inside. Then, he headed back to the elevator to find Satoshi and to find out what he knew.

"This is Meiji Shrine," Ichiro explained as they walked through the courtyard of the temple he'd taken her to. "It is dedicated to a deified spirits of Emperor Meiji and his consorts, Empress Shoken."

"This place is really lovely," Shaundra replied as she followed him around. "And so well-maintained." They had been together most of the morning and he was like a breath of fresh air, so young and innocent.

"I used to come here often as a child with my grandmother, but not much now."

In some ways, he was still a child, but then again, that's what she liked about him. "Why do I have the feeling that you regret becoming a singer?"

Ichiro sent a dazzling smile her way as he walked her over to a bench to rest. "Don't get me wrong. I love Aomori, the music and all the advantages it has accorded me, but sometimes I miss just being me. Like, for instance, today, I am on a date with a very beautiful woman, but I'm not exactly alone with her because there are three burly bodyguards lurking nearby."

Shaundra's eyes widened. He thinks I'm beautiful. "That is for your protection," Shaundra reminded him when she came to her senses.

"Yes, I know, but I have no privacy. What if I wanted to kiss you? You'd be embarrassed to do so in front of them."

Shaundra ran her tongue over her lips. "Do you wish to kiss me?"

Shaundra asked. Even she wasn't foolish enough to let that moment slip by. Would it be different than Yori's? She shook her head to get Yori's face out of it. Pretend he doesn't exist.

"Ever since the first time I saw you."

Ooh, I didn't know that. Shaundra scooted closer to him and took both of his hands into hers. They were much bigger than hers, but smooth, and the nails were manicured.

Ichiro tried to snatch his hands away.

"Kiss me," Shaundra told him.

"Do what?"

"Kiss me." Suddenly, she very much wanted him to do it. Her eyes locked in on the delicate curve of his lips.

Ichiro looked away shyly. "I can't. It is not appropriate in such a public place."

Damn these people and their antiquated ways, she said to herself.

Shaundra looked around. "No one is paying any attention to us except the bodyguards and they look kind of bored."

Ichiro looked around, took a deep breath and leaned toward her.

Shaundra took the uncertainty from him by placing her mouth on his.

It was so soft. His lips parted and covered hers. Her eyes widened. Heat rushed up from her crotch to her collar as she leaned in closer to savor the sweetness.

Ichiro's hands gripped her shoulders. His tongue darted inside, pleasantly taking her by surprise with his forwardness. He groaned, obviously turned on by what they were doing.

The crotch in her panties dampened. Shaundra closed her eyes as her feelings got all tangled and her heart raced. She pulled away from him, breathing hard. Her body felt on fire with just one kiss from this blue-eyed babe. Shit, what am I going to do? Ichiro opened his eyes and nervously scooted away from her. He crossed his legs and looked away shyly. "That was pleasant."

Shaundra nodded still overcome from the rush of emotion she'd just experience. Served her right for messing with an innocent. "Yes, and the bodyguards didn't try to tackle me to the ground. In fact, one of them is even blushing." God, she was so embarrassed. What must they think of me? Ichiro turned around to see and then turned back toward her. He blushed even more.

"See, it is possible to have a normal life if you're willing to work at it."

Ichiro cleared his throat. "Speaking of work, I better take you back to the hotel before Masaaki kills me. We have to rehearse before the big concert tomorrow."

"That's okay. I do understand deadlines and it's been a perfect morning. Thank you for taking me to see this shrine. I don't know when it was that I last had such a relaxing time."

Ichiro rose awkwardly and helped her to her feet.

Shaundra glanced down. He had an erection. She would pretend not to notice and not joke about it.

Ichiro started the conversation before her. "How do you cope with all your fans back in the United States?" He bravely took her hand and held it as they walked toward the gate of temple with the guards following close behind.

"It's nothing compared to what you go through. The only time my fans are interested in me is at book signings."

He helped her back into the limo and sat down next to her. "I've read some of your books," he replied as Kenshin pulled away from the curb and headed back to the hotel. "You are a very good writer."

"Really? You've actually read my books? Which one is your favorite?"

"The one about the older woman and the younger man. If I Could Turn Back Time."

Shaundra gasped. "You have read my book. I am flabbergasted and honored. What did you like about it?"

"The ending," he replied, smiling at her.

Was he teasing her? "That's odd. Why?"

"The couple found a way to be happy after all the obstacles put before them. I like those kinds of endings."

"I do too, but real life is never that simple. I can manipulate my stories to make them end any way I want them to, but I can't get a happy ending in my own relationship."

"Why not?"

"Because I've never found the right man."

"I can't believe that. What about your husband?"

"Nice, but not without his share of issues. I loved him until the day he died, but our marriage still lacked the spontaneity of my novels."

"But I bet the sex was great?" He clasped his hand over his mouth in embarrassment.

Shaundra chuckled. "Please stop blushing. You're going to have to get comfortable with what I write about if we're to be friends, and yes, it was pretty great most of the time."

Ichiro removed his hand. "Are you in a relationship now?"

"Fine time to ask, but yes. I've been with him for years."

"He does not make you happy."

"No, he's nice enough, but I don't love him."

"Then why are you with him, if you don't mind me asking?"

Shaundra sighed. Why did twenty-five-year-olds see things so clearly? "Because I haven't found a way to end it. I can't find the words to say „you're a nice man, but I just want to be friends.'"

"Men don't like that sentence," Ichiro teased. "See, you just said it."

Shaundra smiled. "Yes, to you, but not to him."

"What would happen if you did tell him? Would he hit you?"

"No, he'd probably ask why and then I'd have to make up a lie to spare his feelings."

Ichiro shook his head. "You don't strike me as the lying type."

"I'm not, but I can't tell him the truth without hurting him."

"You're not attracted to him anymore?"

Shaundra shook her head. "No, when I look at him, I see friend, not lover."

Ichiro leaned closer. "What does a lover look like?"

Those blue eyes hypnotized her. "Kind of like you, young, virile and with a nice body."

"And he has none of these qualities?"

He was so close his cologne made her dizzy. She wanted to kiss him again. "No, he's fifty-one years old and everything has gone south, if you know what I mean." Shaundra blushed. "Maybe I should not be telling you these things, but I've never had anyone that I can truly talk to. I feel comfortable talking to you."

He raised his hand and brushed her bangs away from her eyes. "So he is no longer sexually appealing to you?"

Shaundra trembled from his touch. "That's exactly it and I feel so horrible for thinking this way since he's just a year older than I am. When I look into a mirror, I don't see a fifty-year-old woman staring back and maybe it's the same way with him when he looks into a mirror. But when we're together, I see that his body looks different than it did ten years ago.

He doesn't have that muscular build or nice abs that used to turn me on."

"Oh, I see," Ichiro said. A light blush flushed his cheeks.

She leaned against his shoulder and rested his head on it. "No, you don't. You're twenty-five and gorgeous, and I feel bad because I'm fifty and I find you attractive. I don't think things are supposed to work this way. I just know I would feel horrible if someone told me that they didn't want me anymore because I was old and saggy."

Ichiro raised her head, lowered his lips to hers and gently kissed her. "I don't think that would happen. You're fifty now and I don't find you saggy."

The heat rushed up through her body again. "You haven't seen me naked."

"Are you saggy?"

"No." She felt like stripping and proving it to him.

"Then don't worry about something that may never happen for another twenty years or so. Something like that isn't important to me."

Shaundra snuggled up to him. "How did you get so smart?"

"By not talking and just listening."

She listened to the steady beat of his heart against his chest. "I think you are good for my ego, Ichiro." They arrived back at the hotel sooner than she expected. Shaundra moved away from him and sat straight in the seat.

Ichiro reached over and touched her hand. "Before we go in, I need to ask you something."

"Sure, anything," Shaundra said staring down at his hand.

"Are you sexually attracted to Yori?"

Shaundra sighed. Damn. "Yes."

"I see." He paused. "Are you sexually attracted to me?"

Shaundra raised her head and looked deeply into his eyes. Lie, lie and end this now before you hurt him. "Yes," she answered honestly. "Now you see my dilemma. How do you choose between two angels when you're old enough to be both their mothers?"

Kenshin opened the car door and helped both of them out.

Ichiro took her hand. "I will not ask you to make such a decision.

Having you as a friend is more than I can ask."

"That is nice of you to say, but I'm old enough to read your eyes even if you don't say the words, Ichiro. I don't want to hurt either of you so I don't think I can make that kind of decision. You do understand that I will be returning to the United States when all of this is over?"

"That is why I will not pressure you into choosing me or Yori. Just promise me that you will end your old relationship and find someone who will make you happy."

They walked up the stairs. "I promise."

"But in the meantime, please be my date for the duration of your stay."

Date? He wants to date me? Reality crept back in at that very moment.

"Are you just asking this because you know Yori's fiancee is here and you don't want me to do anything that would put Aomori in an embarrassing situation?"

Ichiro's hand tightened on hers and then he removed it and opened the door for her. "He told you?"


"Surprising. I was sure he would try to lie and cover it up."

"No, he told me everything."

"And you still like him?"

Shaundra shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know what I feel when it comes to him. It is completely different than what I feel for you. There, I've said it. I would never come between Yori and his fiancee, nor you and Yori." They entered the lobby.

"I don't understand women, but I'm willing to be your knight in shining armor for the time you are here. You shouldn't have to be alone while he waits to come to his senses."

"Then I accept. But it has nothing to do with whether he makes a decision or not." Not exactly a lie, or the truth either.

They walked toward the elevator, ignoring the stares as they held hands. The elevator arrived and they stepped in. Ichiro pulled her to him and planted a deep and sensual kiss upon her lips. Shaundra melted in his arms. He released her. "What was that for?"

"Just to let you know that I also find you sexually attractive and don't care about sags. The Shaundra Morrison I admire is the fifty-year-old author in this elevator with me, and I would be honored to act as your friend, date or lover as long as you allow me to do so."

The elevator opened on their floor and Yori stood on the other side.

"You're late," he told Ichiro. "Where have you been?"

"On a date," Ichiro replied.

"Masaaki was worried about you. You know how he is when it comes to rehearsals."

Ichiro stepped off the elevator, still holding her hand. "Practice does not start for another hour."

The three walked toward her door. Ichiro bowed to her and left her with Yori.

"What do you think you're doing?" Yori asked her once Ichiro was out of ear range.

"I'm not doing anything."

"Looks like you're doing something to me. You had breakfast with him and went out on a date with him."

"We spent a lovely morning at the Meiji Shrine. You can verify this with the bodyguards and Kenshin if you must. He thought I might like to see some of Tokyo since I'll only be here a couple more weeks. Is that a problem?"

"Not if you're just leading him on."

Shaundra leaned against the door. "I don't understand what you want me to do. First, you seem interested and then you aren't. You tell me that Ichiro likes me and then you get upset when he takes me on an outing.

And let's not mention that little finger exercise you performed on me yesterday. Now as much as I enjoyed it, you went and ruined it by telling me that your fiancee was on her way to town. In my book, it means you're interested in a little fling with the older woman, but not at the expense of your girlfriend finding out."

"That is not true. I did not know she was coming and did not mean to offend you." He leaned against the wall. "Lately, I don't know what is wrong with me. I thought I was happy and knew what my future held for me. But now I'm not sure. Amaya and I have been engaged since we were kids."

"Then why mess it up? You had every intention on marrying her before I arrived. Don't give up a lifetime commitment and a future with a woman you love because you're tempted by another woman. Don't you love her?"

"I don't know," Yori confessed. "Things are so confused."

"Let me make this easy for you. Don't hurt her by thinking you can have your cake and eat it too."

"What does that mean?"

"It means you can't have a relationship with both of us. Anyway, she is a better choice. I'm so much older than you and I'll be returning to the United States when this is over." She put the key card in the door and opened it.

"I don't care about your age," he said, suddenly filling the doorway.

Before she knew it, the door closed and locked with both of them on the inside of the room. "What are you doing?"

"I don't know." He pulled her into his arms and kissed her senseless.

"You're late," Masaaki said as Yori entered the Dome rehearsal room.

"I'm just five minutes late."

"Where were you?" Satoshi asked. "We sent you to get Ichiro and he beat you here."

"Talking. It doesn't matter. I'm here now."

"You need to change," Masaaki informed him. "No sense in getting that suit sweaty."

Who was Masaaki kidding? He felt drenched from the run over from the hotel after Shaundra kicked him out of her room. Damn her. What did she expect him to do? He couldn't just drop Amaya or pretend the two of them didn't have a lifelong relationship. Didn't she understand that he was torn in two about the entire situation? He hurried to the back to get into his practice clothes. Maybe he needed to dance until the exhaustion set in. He removed his suit, put on a pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt and dashed back into the practice room just as the rest of the performers arrived. There were five other groups performing tomorrow besides Aomori and they took up much of the space.

"Let's move this party to the stage," Masaaki ordered.

Everyone got up and followed him out of the practice hall.

Ichiro kept looking at him while they walked.

"Nothing happened," Yori said. "She turned me away."

"Smart cookie," Ichiro replied as he found an empty seat to wait until it was their turn.

Bushido, the opening act took the stage as the other groups settled into seats to watch. Bushido consisted of five Japanese youngsters who also worked for Mr. Niigata. Aomori had taken then under their wing and were training them. The leader, Kei, had dyed his hair blond and sported a Mohawk. The other four had cut away their hair, too, to a shorter style that made them look older and more mature than their eighteen years. They reminded him a lot of Aomori when they had been that age.

Three acts later, Aomori took the stage with their back up dancers and, when their turn was over, they returned to their seats to watch the closing act. An hour later, Yori felt so exhausted he began to doze in his seat. He promised only to catch a couple of winks while Masaaki gave them a rousing speech to end their day... Satoshi nudged him. "Wake up, princess. It's time to go."

Yori opened his eyes and found his three friends staring down at him.

"What's wrong with you?" Takumijo asked "You never fell asleep in rehearsal before."

"I'm just tired," Yori replied.

"That's a guilty conscience," Satoshi replied, and walked away.

Yori rubbed his eyes, rose from his seat and followed his friends back to the changing room to get his things. "Damn Ichiro," the muttered to himself. Why did he have to ask her out on a date? Hopefully, things would go better tomorrow. Maybe the concert and the crowds would pull him out of his misery.

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