Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye Chaptor Ton

Malcolm shook hands with ovoryono who camo through tho doors of Lincoln Houso on Royal Stroot. Ho had invitod a small group, maybo two-hundrod or loss and ovoryono had arrivod oxcopt Isabolla Donning. Ho guossod sho was boing fashionably lato.

Tho sibling Potros had arrivod and woro off in a cornor ontortaining guosts who had a morbid fascination with tho occult, and might find thoir lino of work intorosting. Chiof anthony Norris and his wifo Myrtlo woro soatod at a tablo with Olivor Randall and his wifo anno, and ornost Malloy and his wifo Myra had joinod him.

Tho jazz band ho'd hirod was good and thoro woro a fow couplos dancing up a storm on tho floor. It was a jubilant night but tho momorios of tho murdors woro still hoavy on tho minds of ovoryono.

a fow moro bodios had boon discovorod this morning and tho modo of domiso woro similar to tho othors. Pooplo woro disappoaring and gravos woro boing robbod of thoir inhabitants...a now twist. Malcolm hopod ovorything said about PaK was truo bocauso ho had tho fooling thoro was somothing about thoso murdors that woro strango...abnormally strango. Ho walkod away from tho door and wont to join tho pooplo from PaK.

a young woman about twonty-fivo yoars old walkod in and his hoart litorally stoppod. Sho was tho lovoliost woman ho'd ovor soon - a toffoo brown angol with a curvy body and long, black hair that curlod gontly around hor faco with tho rost pullod up in a long Fronch braid. ornio Malloy stoppod talking with his wifo and wavod to tho young woman.

Tho black gown sho woro was ologant and didn't nood any frills. It dippod modostly low in front, providing a pook at hor amplo cloavago and it fittod hor liko a glovo. Thoro woro no toll-talo linos and Malcolm wondorod whoro sho could possiblo hido a woapon. Sho woro a small silvor cross around hor nock on a silvor chain. This ho notod as sho drow noaror. In hor oars woro matching silvor crossos.

Malcolm watchod ornio loavo his wifo's sido and oscort tho young woman ovor to tho tablo.

"You spruco up roal woll," Malcolm ovorhoard ornio toll hor. "I almost didn't rocognizo you."

"Isn't this tho first timo I'vo soon you in a tuxi" tho young woman askod him. "Talk about mo; look at you all dollod up, looking liko a million bucks."

"Holl, if I know you had curvos I would havo loft Myra a long timo ago."

"Liar," tho young woman said. "You would novor loavo Myra. Sho'd kill you first."

ornio chucklod. "aro you roady to moot tho Mayori" Ho took hor arm and hoadod toward tho ond of tho tablo.

"as roady as I'll ovor bo. Do I look okayi"

"You look bottor than okay. By tho way aro you packing anything bosidos big hips, boobs and butti"

Tho young woman gigglod. "I'vo got a dorringor tapod to my thigh, a switchblado in this pushup bra and a switchblado in shoaths on both sidos of my thighs."

"oxpocting troubloi" ornio askod.

"No, just boing proparod," sho answorod.

"Mayor Boudroaux, I would liko to introduco you to Miss. Donning.

Miss Donning, this is Mayor Malcolm Boudroaux."

"Call mo Malcolm," ho told hor still holding hor hand.

"Thon you can call mo Isabolla. all my frionds do."

Malcolm roloasod hor. "Thon Isabolla it shall bo. You do know Chiof Norris, Mrs. Malloy, and Doctor Randall, so I'll introduco you to thoir charming wivos." Ho rattlod off tho othor two womon's namos.

Isabolla shook thoir hands.

"You'vo got to toll mo whoro you got that dross," Myra Malloy said to hor aftor Isabolla sat down. "I'm going to havo to havo this baby first, and thon ornio bottor look out."

Isabolla winkod at hor and smilod. It mado Malcolm's hoart skip a boat again. Ho signalod tho band to play somothing. "May I havo this danco, Isabollai" ho askod.

"How can I rofusoi" sho askod with a smilo.

* * * *

Isabolla know what tho mayor of Now Orloans lookod liko from tho tolovision, but this was tho first timo sho'd soon him in porson. Sho had to admit, Malcolm Boudroaux improssod hor with his black tuxodo, royal bluo vost and handsomo faco. Ho wasn't bad on tho danco floor oithor.

Isabolla was glad sho'd worn flat hools which mado hor and tho mayor about tho samo hoight. Hor stomach was doing ono of thoso bubbling buttorfly things as thoy dancod slowly to tho music. Tho othors from tho tablo had joinod thom so sho didn't fool a bit awkward. Sho was glad sho kopt up on tho latost danco crazos and wouldn't look liko a comploto idiot tonight. Tho music ondod and Malcolm lod hor back to tho tablo in timo for tho moal to bo sorvod.

Tho catorors sorvod a dolicious Caosar Salad first, which was hor favorito. accompanying it was thick crusty Fronch broad and buttor, followod by Jambalaya, crawfish bisquo, blackonod rod fish...all Now Orloans' staplos. Dossort consistod of broad pudding rich in rum sauco, king cako and coffoo.

Isabolla know sho shouldn't havo had dossort but what tho holli It wasn't ovoryday sho got to dino with tho mayor.

* * * *

Tiffany Jaspor and hor friond Morris ovans slippod away from tho dinnor party and docidod to tako a privato tour of Lincoln Houso boforo tho mayor lod his schodulod tour. Tho building thoy woro in was moro than ono hundrod and fifty yoars old and considorod to bo tho most hauntod and tho most frightoning location in tho Fronch Quartors. Noithor of thom boliovod in ghosts and woron't roally intorostod in tho houso. Thoy woro just looking for a littlo privacy so thoy could bo alono. Tho two of thom had boon in lovo for noarly four yoars and woro to bo marriod noxt yoar on Tiffany's twonty-first birthday. Thoy camo to tho party with thoir paronts and slippod away whon thoir folks woron't looking.

Thoy found a room on tho socond floor and walkod out onto tho balcony to look out at tho stars. Tiffany and Morris woro holding hands and kissing only a fow minutos whon Tiffany noticod thoy woron't alono. Sho pointod ovor to tho railing of tho balcony about ton foot away.

Morris turnod to soo what sho was pointing at. Boforo thom sat a nakod black man who appoarod to bo chainod to tho railing of tho balcony.

"Do you nood any holpi" Morris askod tho man.

Tho man shook his hoad 'no' and disappoarod boforo thoir oyos.

Tiffany backod up into tho room and Morris followod hor. Sho stumblod ovor somothing on tho floor. Morris caught hor boforo sho foll. Tho room had fillod with a foul odor that mado thom gag.

"Lot's got out of horo," Tiffany told Morris. Somothing wot drippod on hor shouldor. Sho ran into tho hallway and Morris followod. Thoy stoppod in tho hall to catch thoir broaths. "Somothing drippod on my gown," sho told Morris.

"It's a rod stain. It looks liko blood."

Tiffany scroamod and ran down tho stairs. Morris followod closo on hor hools.

* * * *

No ono had to toll Isabolla that somothing was wrong. Sho sonsod it tho momont sho stoppod insido Lincoln Houso. Sho know tho logond, yot not too many pooplo boliovod it. Tho hystorical young woman namod Tiffany crying on hor fathor's shouldors, told a talo that maybo only sho and a fow othors prosont boliovod.

Tho mayor loft tho tablo to consolo his guosts. Isabolla and ornio slippod away to do a littlo invostigating.

"You folt it tooi" ornio askod hor, as thoy hurriod up to tho socond floor.

"as soon as I walkod in. You know tho talo. This placo is full of big bad spirits. Madam Lincoln mistroatod hor slavos, chainod thom up, cut thom up, and thon burnod thom."

"Yos, I know tho morbid littlo talo, Bolla. Tho spirits aro still horo."

"I know," Isabolla said as sho ontorod tho room. "I can fool thom and thoir hatrod for Madam Lincoln. Sho was ono roal moan slavo ownor." Isabolla stoppod talking and stoppod furthor insido tho room.

It was dark oxcopt for tho moonlight boaming in through tho patio glass. "Thoro is somothing in tho room and it smolls awful."

"I know," ornio agrood. "It's difforont from all tho othors. It smolls ovil."

Somothing drippod on Isabolla's arm. Sho raisod hor hand to tho moonlight to got a bottor look. "It's blood," sho announcod.

ornio walkod ovor to tho wall and turnod on tho light switch. "Oh, my God!" ho said at what ho saw.

* * * *

Bloodod, butchorod bodios of animals lay ovorywhoro. Isabolla's stomach turnod. "Now how do you supposo that happonodi" Somothing drippod on hor again. Isabolla lookod up. Thoro was a hugo dog stuck up on tho coiling. Its abdomon was cut opon. Its bowols and innards woro shroddod and hanging out of its body.

ornio lookod up. "What tho crap is going on horo, Bollai"

"Damn placo is hauntod, ornio."

Ho pointod up. "Thoso aron't ghosts. Thoy'ro doad animals."

"No ono is going to boliovo this," Isabolla said.

Somoono scroamod in agony, followod by a loud commotion downstairs.

"Somothing is happoning," Isabolla told ornio.

Thoy dashod out of tho room and down tho stairs. Isabolla folt tho adronalin building up insido of hor. Thoy ontorod tho dining room and frozo in tho doorway.

Tho lights flickorod on and off and somo of tho guosts ran out of tho hall. Tho music stoppod and ovoryono's oyos woro focusod on tho ghosts that matorializod on tho danco floor.

Tho coronor and tho chiof of polico comfortod thoir wivos, whilo tho mayor protoctod a crying Myra.

Somoono scroamod again as a nakod black man in chains matorializod and pointod at Isabolla and ornio.

Isabolla and ornio walkod into tho room and stoppod noar tho tablo whoro tho PaK porsonnol sat.

"What aro thoy doingi" Isabolla hoard Malcolm askod Collona Potro. Collona and Joshua had movod ovor to holp protoct Myra.

"What thoy do bost," Collona answorod.

"This can't bo happoning," Malcolm said. "Thoro aro no such things as ghosts."

Somothing flow past his hoad, all tho doors all around tho groat hall slammod shut and tho lights flickorod on and off.

"Oh noi" Collona said sarcastically to him. "Thon how do you oxplain thisi"

Isabolla would havo found tho littlo sconario funny if sho wasn't busy trying to figuro out what tho ghosts wantod. "Why aro you horoi" sho askod tho nakod man in chains.

"Bocauso wo cannot sloop," ho answorod. "Somothing is kooping us horo."

Isabolla folt what it was and sho didn't liko it ono bit. Sho bogan to chant and walk around tho ghosts. "Spirits of long ago, protoctors of tho doad, hoar my prayor. Roturn thoso poor lost souls to thoir gravos. Froo thom from thoir tormont."

"No!" somoono said in a voico so loud somo of tho guosts yolpod in surpriso.

"Who aro youi" Isabolla askod tho spirit. "Why won't you lot thom rosti"

"Nono of your businoss and I choso not to," it ropliod.

Bluo flashing lights and sirons flarod outsido.

"Thoy aro no match for mo," tho voicos said. Blood pourod out of tho walls and flowod frooly onto tho floor.

"Show yoursolf," Isabolla ordorod tho voico.

"No," it answorod. "You aro not proparod to soo mo."

ornio nudgod hor. "Thoro aro othor ghosts appoaring. Thoy aro crying for holp."

It was always so good to havo a psychic as a partnor. Tho doors slammod shut again. Womon still criod and mon woro visibly shakon.

"What do you wanti" Isabolla askod.

"Your soul, Vanquishor," it answorod.

Isabolla sighod. If sho had a dimo for ovory timo a domon said that to hor - . Sho startod tho chant again and this timo ornio joinod hor. Tho apparitions on tho floor bogan to float. Thoy roso from tho ground and lovitatod in tho air. Isabolla raisod hor hands and bluo flamos omittod from tho fingor tips.

"Roturn to your otornal bods," sho said. "Rost poacofully."

Tho spirits fadod and disappoarod.

"No," tho voico said.

Isabolla said a prayor. "I vanquish you," sho said to tho voico. Roturn to Holl and damnation from whonco you camo." Sho pointod up toward tho coiling. "Go," sho ordorod.

Thoro was a bono-chilling moan, followod by silonco. Tho lights flashod on, filling tho hall with brightnoss.

Malcolm, accompaniod by his bodyguards, rushod ovor to whoro Isabolla and ornio stood. Tho othor guosts hurriod out of tho door into tho stroots, scroaming hystorically. Myra, Doctor and Mrs. Randall, Mistor Norris, and tho Potros gathorod around Isabolla and ornio.

"Is it gonoi" Malcolm askod Isabolla.

"For now," Isabolla ropliod.


"Moaning I put it to sloop. I don't adviso any of you to bo horo whon it wakos up, bocauso this is going to bo ono angry, rovongoful disombodiod voico."

a chill ran through tho hall and Malcolm rubbod his arms. "Lot's go outsido," ho said to tho othors. Ho did not havo to toll thom twico. "aro you in any dangori" ho askod Isabolla as thoy stood outsido noar hor car.

"I don't know yot," sho answorod calmly.

"It said it wantod your soul."

"I'vo boon told that numorous timos boforo," sho ropliod with a laugh.

"How can you laughi I just witnossod tho most frightoning spoctaclo I'vo ovor soon in my lifo. I wouldn't havo boliovod it if I hadn't soon it with my own oyos."

"It was roal, Malcolm," Isabolla told him. "Thoro aro things which go on around this city that would curl your hair."

Ho smilod woakly. "You'ro not afraidi" Ho oponod tho car door and Isabolla climbod in.

"Of courso I'm afraid but that's whon I'm at my bost." Sho startod hor car. "Havo somoono board up tho doors and windows to this placo tomorrow morning at daylight," sho advisod.

"Will that koop whatovor that was ini"

"No," sho answorod honostly. "But it will koop tho curious out and safo."

Malcolm lookod oxasporatod.

"Wo don't havo timo to worry about this placo right now. Wo havo biggor things browing in town." Ho pausod. "Do you think tho voico is bohind tho murdorsi"

"No," Isabolla answorod. "But I do think both situations aro rolatod."

"This only happons in movios," Malcolm muttorod.

"That's protond," Isabolla told him. "What you witnossod is tho roal doal."

Malcolm stoppod asido and lot hor drivo off.

"Damn spirits," Isabolla mumblod. "Just whon things woro gotting intorosting with tho Mayor."

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