Passion Fruit Chapter Nine

Shaundra rolled over in the bed expecting to feel Ichiro next to her, but he wasn't there. She opened her eyes. His side of the bed was still made, which meant she'd slept alone.

Again. She sighed. She snuck out again. She noticed he'd been doing this a lot lately. Maybe he couldn't sleep, or maybe he had things on his mind that he couldn't discuss with her. But everything indicated that he was up to no good.

She sighed again. At this rate he was making the decision easier for her.

Shaundra got out of the bed and got dressed. She had a busy day planned. First she had to have some tests done at the hospital, then she had to drive over to KiNii for an interview, and finally she was meeting Hana and Etsuko for lunch at Ichiro's restaurant. Her sister-in-laws had wanted to visit with her at the farmhouse, but Shaundra wanted an outing since she'd probably be confined to a bed in the next couple of weeks.

Shaundra found Satoshi, Takumijo, and Cristal in the dining room when she finally made it down the stairs.

Takumijo looked like he'd been out all night and was having problems staying awake at the table. "Good morning," she said to get their attention.

"Good morning," the three of them said to her.

Shaundra put her briefcase and purse down in a chair.

"What are you doing all dressed up?" Cristal asked.

"I've got places to go and people to meet," Shaundra replied. "I just stopped in for a cup of tea before I leave."

Satoshi hopped up and helped her into a seat. "Aren't you going to eat breakfast with us? Ichiro has been busy in the kitchen all morning."

Great cover up, Shaundra thought. Now tell me where he's been all night. If anyone knew anything, Satoshi did. "No, just tea. I have some tests to take at the hospital and all I can have is liquids."

"Is Ichiro accompanying you to take these tests?" Cristal asked.

"No," Shaundra said. "I'm going alone."

"Why?" Satoshi asked as he poured her some tea. "Why isn't he accompanying you?"

"Probably since he doesn't know I'm going," Shaundra replied. "I am a big girl, and I can do things by myself."

"I suppose," Satoshi said. "But I would feel a lot better if you'd take Ichiro with you."

"I'll be okay," Shaundra said, well aware that they were trying to pry into her business. "I'm getting pretty good at driving myself around. I'm used to doing things for myself."

Ichiro entered the dining room with a cartload of food.

"What are you doing up?" he asked her. "You should be resting." He began unloading the food on the table.

"I'm tired of resting," Shaundra said, looking over at her.

He had on regular clothes, which meant he had the decency to shower and change before he flew the house in the wee hours of the morning.

"What would you like to eat?" he asked.

"Nothing for me," Shaundra said. "I'm on my way out."

Ichiro finally looked at her. "Where?"

"Doctor's appointment."

He didn't say anything. He just continued to serve the others. Of course the others were listening to the conversations and waiting for him to say something. "Oh," he finally said. He rolled the cart back toward the kitchen and disappeared.

Shaundra ignored him, finished her tea and rose. "See you guys later."

"Would you like me to accompany you?" Satoshi offered. "I have a little free time before I leave for rehearsal."

"No thanks," Shaundra said. "I'm getting used to going by myself. And I have other plans for the rest of the day. Thanks anyway." She grabbed her briefcase and purse and headed to the front door. She found Ichiro on the porch when she exited. He must have slipped out of the kitchen door when he rolled the breakfast cart back.

"You should have told me you had a doctor's appointment," he said angrily.

"Why?" Shaundra asked. "You don't tell me everything that you do, and besides you have a rehearsal to attend."


"But what? Would you have called Mr. Niigata and told him that you couldn't make it to the rehearsal because you had to escort me to the doctor?"

Ichiro didn't answer. He just looked at her like he wanted to say something but couldn't find the right words. "No."

So not the right word. "Exactly. That's why I didn't mention it."

"I am your husband. It would be nice if you tried to remember that."

"I am your wife and it would be nice to wake up next to you in the morning. You need to try and remember that."

Shaundra made an attempt to leave but Ichiro grabbed her arm. "Where are you really going? You're too dressed up for a doctor's appointment."

Shaundra snatched her arm away. "I have to stop at KiNii after my tests. I'm doing an interview for my new book."

"Tests? What tests? Is something wrong with the babies?"

"Like you care," Shaundra said. "No. I'm just having routine tests for preadmission." She walked down the steps and continued toward the back parking lot.

Ichiro caught up with her and grabbed her arm again.

"What do you mean about me not caring? Of course I'm concerned about the state of those babies."

"Let go of me." Shaundra pulled away from him. Ichiro didn't know his own strength, and she didn't want to have to explain black-and-blue marks to some technician. "My babies are fine. They're just big and Doctor Sou thinks I won't be able to deliver them vaginally. I might need to have a Cesarean."

"He will have to cut you?" Confusion and concern showed on his face.

"Yes, it will be okay. It's a common procedure. Women have Cesareans every day."

"Don't do this, Shaundra," he said.

"Do what?"

"Speak to me like a child. A Cesarean is not a common procedure. You could die during the process."

"I can die having them naturally," Shaundra admitted.

"Don't worry, because I'm not. I put my life in the Lord's hands a long time ago. Now go back inside and tend to your friends. They're probably worried about you."

Ichiro groaned. "You are the most infuriating woman. I don't understand you most of the time. How can you be so casual about this?"

"How do you expect me to be? I am fifty-one and pregnant. My husband is twenty-five and a member of a famous pop group and is too busy with responsibilities to be a part of my life at the moment. You want me to beg and plead with you not to go on tour, but that's not going to happen.

What good will it do? You will still go because Mr. Niigata and Masaaki have your guys brainwashed to think that your music career is the most important thing in your life. So please don't play the dejected and hurt party here. I don't need you to go to the hospital with me, nor do I need you to be here with me for the births. I can do this by myself."

She walked away from him unlocked her Mercedes convertible. She tossed her briefcase and purse into the passenger seat angrily. Damn Ichiro. What did he care anyway? If he loved her, he would have registered their marriage instead of listening to others and believing she wasn't good enough to be a part of his family or thinking that she would cheat on him. She slid into the car and closed the door. She rolled down the window and started the engine.

Ichiro walked up beside the car. "Will you be seeing Harper today?"

"Get away from my car," Shaundra told him. This jealousy thing was starting to irritate the hell out of her.

"Don't go to him, Shaundra."

"Oh, grow up. If I wanted to be with Harper I would be with him right now instead of playing mental games with you.

He is my boss and my friend. Nothing else." She put the car in reverse.

Ichiro stepped away from the car.

"Have a nice day," she told him sarcastically as she continued to back out of the driveway. She drove off leaving him standing there sulking.

Ichiro walked back toward the farmhouse angry and frustrated. He saw the curtain close in one of the windows indicating that Satoshi and the others had witness their little argument. To hell with them, he thought. He knew that Shaundra was upset about him going on tour, but this was the first time she'd had mentioned how she really felt about it. Why didn't she understand that he had to do what he had to do to secure their future?

True, they weren't hurting for money, but he stood to make a lot on this tour. And he needed that to put aside for their babies. And then there was the house...their house in Kyoto. He'd already found the perfect spot and purchased it.

Ichiro walked up the stairs. He wasn't brainwashed. Why didn't she understand that he had signed a contract and couldn't get out of it for any reason? There was still one year on it, and after that he would be free. Surely she could wait that long.

Ichiro entered the kitchen and poured himself a cup of tea and walked into the dining room. Takumijo and the others just sat there, pretending that they didn't know that something was wrong.

"Did Shaundra leave?" Cristal asked.

"Yes," Ichiro said.

"Maybe I should have volunteered to go with her," Cristal said.

"No need," Ichiro told her. "She doesn't need anyone to look out for her." He sat down at the table well aware that everyone expected him to say more.

"She shouldn't be driving herself," Satoshi said. "She does not know Osaka well enough. What if something happens?"

"The Lord will take care of her," Ichiro said absently. "And Harper."

"What do you mean?" Satoshi asked.

"Nothing. Don't pay me any mind. What time do we have to be at rehearsal today?"

"Eleven," Takumijo said.

"I like Amaterasu," Ichiro said. "She's a very lovely young woman and much better than your past choices for a companion."

"Thanks," Takumijo said. "I'll tell her."

"Where did you meet her?"

"At a club. She's a backup dancer."

"Oh, the two of you have something in common. That's nice. It's always good to have someone you can share a common interest with."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Satoshi asked him.

"Yes, did you know that Shaundra may need to have a Cesarean?"

"No," Satoshi answered. "Why would I know that?"

"The two of you are such good friends. I just figured she'd mention it to you. But apparently the babies are too big for her to have naturally. She told me not to worry." He chuckled weakly. "How can I not worry?" He sighed. "Sometimes I do not understand her."

"Maybe you should meet her at the hospital," Cristal suggested. "She might be terrified and just too stubborn to let you see her that way."

"No, she doesn't want me there. She wants to do this on her own."

"But they're your babies too," Takumijo said.

"So, she says." He got up with his cup in hand and strolled out of the dining room.

Yori was glad to see Amaya looking so much better this morning. The doctor had given her a clean bill of health and fortunately the drugs had not messed up any of her vital organs. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," Amaya said.

"Do you think you can get out of bed this morning and join me at the kitchen table for breakfast?"

"I think so," Amaya said. "The doctor says I need to eat to regain my strength."

Like him, Amaya had lost some weight, which hopefully they both would put back on soon.

Amaya pushed back the covers and stepped from the bed.

A few seconds later she disappeared inside the bathroom. Yori had made sure all the pills and razors had been removed from the house before she was discharged from the hospital. She came out a few minutes later with a freshly scrubbed face and her hair pulled back in a ponytail.

Yori opened the closet. "What would you like to wear?"

"I'm perfectly capable of dressing myself," Amaya said.

"I know," Yori told her. "I like taking care of you."

Amaya wrapped her arms around his waist. "I know, and I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I think we need to talk." She took her arms from around him and sat down on the bed.

"About what?" Yori asked sitting down next to her.

"About what happened."

"Oh, if that is what you wish."

"Yes, I think it is best."

"Why did you do it?" Yori asked.

"I have no idea," Amaya admitted. She sighed. "I guess I was angry and jealous, and just basically stupid."

Yori reached over and patted her hand. "Why didn't you tell me you were depressed? We've been friends for many years. I thought we talked about everything."

"Not everything," Amaya said. "I've been taking them for about two months now."

Yori nodded. Right around the time Shaundra returned.

"What are you depressed about?"

"My life," she said.

"You mean our marriage?"

"Yes and other things."

"What other things?" Yori asked.


"I married you," Yori said. "And I'm sorry for being such a fool and teasing you. My infatuation with her ended when I said, 'I do' with you, and to set the record straight, I am not the father of her babies. We've never had sex, and she is in love with Ichiro."

"But why did she disappear?"

"They were having problems, but it had nothing to do with me. Ichiro was neglecting Shaundra and they had this big argument. Shaundra didn't want to be a bother to Ichiro anymore because of her health and she planned to leave him so he could find someone else younger. Unfortunately the earthquake hit and she went into a comma, nothing else. She apparently was pregnant by Ich before she left and knew it."

"So she was going to leave and raise the babies alone?"

Amaya asked.


"But how can you be sure that they are Ichiro's babies."

"I can't, but I know Shaundra is not the kind of person to cheat. She's just a mother whose dedicated most of her life to taking care of her kids and who just wanted to have fun.

Unfortunately she got mixed up with us."

Amaya sighed. "So I went through all this for nothing?"

"I'm afraid so. You have nothing to be worried about. I'm not going to leave you for her, and I plan to be a pain in your ass for many more years."

Amaya laid her head against him. "Would you like to have a baby with me?"

"Someday," Yori said. "But after we are more stable with our marriage and our careers. I'd like to have a son. Or maybe four so we can start a singing group."

"No, you'll just need two. Shaundra will be supplying her two and we'll keep it in the family." She chuckled. "So what's for breakfast?"

"Anything you want."


Yori kissed Amaya on the head. "Waffles it is."

"Do you think your stomach can stretch any further?" Hana asked Shaundra as she entered Ichiro's restaurant. Hana wrapped her arms around her for a hug.

"I don't know," Shaundra said. "I feel like I'm about to burst."

Hana led her to a table and sat her near the window. "I'll go tell Etsuko and Daichi that you are here."

Shaundra sat down and watched her sister-in-law walk away. She returned a few minutes later with her two other siblings in tow, and another young woman she didn't recognize. From the outfit Shaundra deduced that she was a waitress.

Daichi leaned over and kissed her on the head. "It's good to see you again.

Etsuko slid into the booth next to her once Daichi moved.

She hugged her too. "I'm so glad you've decided to come here for lunch."

"Who is this?" Shaundra asked about the pretty young woman with the long black hair and big brown eyes.

"Where are my manners?" Hana said. "Shaundra, this is Eri, Eri, this is our sister-in-law, Shaundra. Ichiro's wife."

The young woman bowed and smiled. The smile did not reach her eyes. Shaundra remembered her now. She was the one who had smiled at Ichiro the last time they ate at the restaurant. "It is nice to meet you Eri. Have you been working here long?"

"About six months," Eri replied.

"Eri wants to be a chef," Daichi said. "Ichiro has taken her under his wing and has been teaching her about cooking."

Was she imagining things, or was that a smirk on Eri's face. "That's nice," Shaundra said smiling. She was sure the smile did not reach her eyes either. Ichiro hadn't mentioned that he'd been tutoring anyone. "How often are your classes?"

"About once or twice a week," Eri answered. "I know he's a busy man so I appreciate him taking the time out to help me."

"Yes, my Ichiro is very helpful," Shaundra said. "He's one of the best chefs in the business."

Eri handed then some menus. "Please let me know what you would like to eat. I'll be back shortly with water and utensils." She walked away.

Shaundra watched the young woman leave, not impressed by her or fooled by her niceness. And she also wasn't foolish enough to eat anything she would prepare. "I still have to watch my salt intake," Shaundra told Daichi. "What would you suggest?"

"Lean beef and vegetables," Daichi answered. "I will make sure that the chef prepares them himself without any assistance."

Shaundra looked up at him. He winked at her. Shaundra winked back. "Thank you."

Daichi chuckled. "You are very wise."

"What are you two talking about?" Etsuko asked.

"Survival skills," Daichi answered. "It's something that comes with maturity."

Shaundra nodded. She was beginning to like her brother- in-law a bit more. He had her back and knew what was going on, even if he was much too polite to just come out and tell her that Eri was after her husband.

Daichi left after Eri came back to take their orders, leaving the young women alone with Shaundra.

"I heard that Ichiro is going back on the road," Etsuko said once her brother was out of ear range.

"Yes, they're going to Europe for a couple of weeks."

"It's a shame he will not be here to be with you," Hana said as she sipped her water. "A husband's place is at his wife's side."

"It would be nice," Shaundra said. "But it is Ichiro's job. I knew it when I married him."

"Well I'll try to visit as often as I can so you don't get lonely in that big farmhouse," Etsuko said.

"Ichiro expects you to move in with us while he's gone,"

Hana said.

"He hasn't said anything to me about that," Shaundra said, not liking the idea. "I'll be okay at the farmhouse. I'm comfortable there and I know how to cook."

"I thought you might say that. Ichiro is just concerned about you," Hana said.

"So is everyone. They think I'll die or something before they return." She chuckled. "Sometimes they act like I'm a I'm incapable of doing anything. I wonder how they think I survived before I met them."

"I can understand how my brother feels a little," Hana replied. "You do not know the language well enough to communicate with Japanese that do not speak English, and you don't know enough about Osaka to get around."

"I made it here by myself didn't I? And I've been studying Japanese. I appreciate everyone's concern, but it's stifling. I have plenty of things to keep me company while he's gone, and it's not like he's home much anyway."

Etsuko looked over at her sister. "He spent a lot of time here when you were gone."

This much she knew. "He spent a lot of time here, before I left, honey. He's a businessman and at the time he was trying to get this restaurant up and running. Now he's doing it with his other restaurants. I'm just going to have to get used to it."

"He's just trying to prepare a future for you and the babies," Hana said, like she had to defend Ichiro's actions.

"And I appreciate it, but there is more to making a happy home than material things. But don't the two of you worry about us. Most couples go through similar things. It will all work out in the future."

"Have you started working on the nursery?" Etsuko asked.

"Not yet," Shaundra said. "We've been too busy."

"But you only have a couple of weeks before you deliver.

What are you waiting on?"

"I plan to do it when guys go on the road. I'll have them move the furniture out the room before they leave and I can handle the rest."

"Can I help?" Hana asked. "I like decorating."

"Sure," Shaundra said. "I'd love you to help. You can stop me from putting everything in blue."

"Is that your favorite color?" Hana asked.

"Yes, but it's also a popular color for boys."

Hana put her elbows on the table and leaned forward. "Are you having boys?"

"I have no idea," Shaundra said with a smirk. "But I know that is what Aomori thinks."

"What do you mean you have no idea? Didn't the doctor tell you?"

"He wanted to, but I like to be surprised."

"Ooh, two little Ichiros," Etsuko said. "They're going to be so adorable."

Shaundra could tell that Etsuko loved her brother. "Yes, I supposed they will be. I think Masaaki and Mr. Niigata are always planning for a way to market them."

Hana laughed. "Already. What if the kids have no talent?"

"I said the same thing," Shaundra said. "But they're businessmen and the little wheels in their heads are turning and plotting."

Daichi and Eri came out with their food. Daichi placed Shaundra's in front of her. "No salt, but spiced to taste."

"Thank you," Shaundra said in Japanese, looking down at the beef and vegetables.

Eri served Hana and Etsuko. "Would you ladies need anything else?" she asked.

"No thank you," the three of them answered.

Eri and Daichi left them to their meal.

Shaundra picked up her chopsticks, broke them apart, and rubbed them together to get rid of any splinters. A chill ran through her. She looked toward the kitchen door. Eri was staring at her. Shaundra lowered her eyes and tried to ignore her.

It was just starting to turn dark when she finally go home and parked her car. After leaving the restaurant Shaundra stopped at an office supply store for some steno tablets and ink pens, and then she treated herself to new negligee. Both the limousine and the SUV were in their spots which meant everyone had returned from rehearsal. There was only one car missing now, Ichiro's. She got out of her car, locked it up and went into the farmhouse. She was too tired to be bothered with joining the others. She wanted to take a bath and get some rest.

Fate sometimes played wicked games on her. Satoshi was standing in the foyer when she entered.

"Good evening," he said to her.

Shaundra attempted a bow but her stomach got in the way. "Good evening."

"I was starting to worry," Satoshi said.

"Thanks, it's good to know at least one person worries about me."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Where is my husband?"

"Oh, well, I don't really know. He left shortly after we came home from rehearsal." He paused. "That was a pretty serious argument the two of you had this morning."

"You heard?" Shaundra asked.

"Yes, we were listening at the window," Satoshi admitted.

Shaundra frowned at him.

"What? We don't have lives."

Shaundra chuckled and shook her head.

'I don't think I've ever heard you raise your voice to him."

"I've never had the need to before, but he pissed me off."

"I think hurt his feelings."

"Tough," Shaundra said. "He'll get over it."

"You've been shopping?" Satoshi asked, peeping at her bags. "Lingerie."

"How do you know that?"

"I recognized the name on the bag. I've shopped there a couple of times."

Shaundra raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Is there something you want to confess?"

Satoshi shook his head. "It was for Cristal. For her trip with Yi-jun."

"Liar," Shaundra said.

Satoshi took the bag from Shaundra. "This is nice. The color will bring out Ichiro's eyes."

"That is not for Ichiro," Shaundra said, used to him teasing her husband about his prettiness. "It's for me. I was in the mood for something sexy."

"Then it is for Ichiro too. What is it, a makeup present?"

"Hell no. I like the feel of silk against my skin."

"I thought Harper brought all your underwear."

"Not all. Just the slutty stuff. "

A slow blush stained Satoshi cheeks.

"Dig a little deeper, there's also some nursing gowns from after the babies are born. Etsuko reminded me today that I haven't done a thing to prepare for their births."

"You saw Etsuko? Where?"

"At the restaurant. I had lunch with her and Hana."

"And Daichi?"

"No, but he was there. He just came out to say hello and to bring me my food."

"He prepared it for you personally?"

"Yes. He knows I can't have salt and didn't trust the chef to remember. One of the waitresses wanted to do it for me, but Daichi insisted that he do it himself."

Satoshi handed her back her bags. "A waitress offered to cook for you?"

Shaundra nodded. "She's a chef-in-training. Her name is Eri. Do you know her?"

The embarrassed look on his face told her that he did.

"Daichi is a very smart and observant man."

"Yes, he is," Shaundra said heading up the stairs. "So are you."

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