Saranghae Chapter Five

Breakfast and lunch in Paris were unbelievably beautiful, and very expensive, Cristal reasoned as she dressed for the fashion show. Yi-jun had taken care of everything, including what she would wear. And the man had excellent taste.

She turned, admiring the chic two-pieced black suit with a leopard collar. The hem of the skirt landed at her knees, and the jacket came down to her thighs. The pretty seamed stockings felt like silk against her legs, and the black shoes with the moderate heel were comfortable to walk in. She placed the matching black hat with the leopard band on her head and grabbed her black clutch. Yi-jun hadn't been stingy with the jewelry and lingerie either. So far her company charge card had not made it out of her wallet. She didn't feel comfortable with a man buying her clothes, but she didn't feel like having another argument with him over pampering her.

Cristal grabbed her camera bag and left her room. "Well, what do you think?" she asked Yi-jun, who waited for her in the lobby. He was dressed in a black suit, with all that thick black hair combed back gangster style.

"You look beautiful," he replied with a smile. "They'll be watching you more than the models on the runway."

"Yeah, right," Cristal said sarcastically as he walked her out of the door and past the doorman.

Beatrice waited outside the limousine with the door open.

Cristal climbed inside, and Yi-jun scooted in behind her. Easy listening music filtered out of the car's speakers.

They talked civilly as Beatrice drove the car through the traffic. Yi-jun's voice was soothing, and he articulated his words perfectly.

"Where did you learn English?"

"From several good teachers in the United States."

Cristal raised an eyebrow. "You grew up in the United States?"

He chuckled. "You sound surprised. My father was an ambassador. I spent a lot of time in Washington."

"So that's how you met Satoshi?"

He nodded. "Yes, we were the only two Asian kids in school, so naturally we sought out each other's company. We had a problem understanding each other at first, but kids adapt. He taught me Japanese and I taught him Korean."

"What was he like back then?"

"A handful. He used to get me in all sorts of trouble. I was kind of a geek and he was definitely a hellion."

Cristal chuckled. "He still is."

"He'd die if he heard you say that. He thinks the world of you."

"He got me grounded."


Cristal nodded.

"For what?"

"For sneaking off the compound. Satoshi suggested that we go out drinking and of course I didn't want to be stuck up so I agreed to go with him and Takumijo, who assured me we wouldn't get caught."

"I've been grounded a time or two by Masaaki when I came to Osaka but they I grew taller than him and he kind of left me alone."

"I can't believe all of you kept in touch all these years with your busy schedules."

"Satoshi's my best friend."

"You two aren't anything alike."

"Oh, no?"

"No, he's likes to go clubbing, he's into music and he thinks he's God's greatest gift to women."

Yi-jun laughed. "And I'm not the same way?"

Cristal shook her head. "No, from what I can tell, you do visit the barber occasionally and you look damn good in a suit. I don't think I've ever seen him in a suit."

"Don't tell me you've never seen him in concert."

"No. I haven't had the privilege, but Mr. Niigata is allowing me to see the one in China."

"Then you're in for a treat. You won't believe how different they are on stage."

"You're champagne and caviar, and he's Shochu and top ramen."

"He's also one of the most loyal people I know."

"He's so out there, but you are very mysterious."

Now it was Yi-jun's turn to raise an eyebrow. "You think I'm mysterious?"

Cristal nodded. "But I'm trying to figure out why."

"What you see is all there is."

"Then why don't you give interviews?"

"Because it gets tiring after several hundred reporters asking me the same boring questions. Sometimes I don't want the world to know my every step."

There was a softening to his face when he said it. For a brief moment she saw a different side of him...husband material. She shook her head to clear the crazy thought from her mind. Yi-jun was taboo, a womanizer and everything she hated in a man.

Cristal looked out of the window to get that thought out of her mind.

"This is Faubourg Saint-Honore," Yi-jun explained. "It's one of Paris' high-fashion districts and home to such labels as Hermes and Christian Lacroix. Cerise has her place nearby."

Cristal straightened up in her seat. "Why are you so knowledgeable on this subject?"

"Call it a hobby or a passing fancy. I've always loved fine clothing, and the moment I became known, designers swooped in on me for endorsements. I think it mainly had to do with the fact I'm over six feet tall."

"That does have its benefits," Cristal replied. And you're gorgeous. Of course she would never say that aloud and foster his already enormous ego. "So if you were average height, they wouldn't have looked at you twice?"

"Yes, the fashion world is fickle when it comes to such things. They equate tall and slender with perfect when most of the people in the world have average builds. Their perception is screwed, but the point is they will sell more clothes if the consumer sees a beautiful package rather than the same clothes modeled by average Joe."

"So it all boils down to what the consumer considers beautiful," Cristal said.

"I try not to be swayed by the opinion of others. If I see something I like, I try it on. If it fits, I take it home," Yi-jun explained.

"Is that the way you decide on relationships?"

"I thought we were discussing fashions."

"I've decided to change the subject. Humor me," Cristal said.

"No, relationships take more work. What about you?"

"If I fall for a man, it has nothing to do with the fact that he's a pretty package. I like a man with substance. One who thinks more of the world than he does himself. If he just happens to be good looking and rich, then it's a win-win situation in my favor."

"I'll try to remember that," Yi-jun said with a shy smile.

"Save the world and win the girl."

Beatrice drove the car into a spot behind a long line of limos and fancy cars, and then she got out with the motor still running and opened the doors for them to exit. Yi-jun scooted out first and she followed, hoping her hips wouldn't pull up her skirt and flash Yi-jun. Beatrice closed the doors, climbed back in and drove the limousine away.

Yi-jun took her arm, put it into the crook of his and walked her up to a throng of people already assembled outside the famed Hotel de Crillon.

"There's Yi-jun," a female shouted.

It felt like a million pairs of eyes darted into their direction, which made her very uncomfortable and self-conscious.

Yi-jun waved to them like a trooper while telling her to relax and enjoy it. "They are just people."

That was easy for him to say. His face graced magazine covers and the silver screen around the country, and he had to be used to the reaction of the crowd by now. Someone took their picture. Drat, Mr. Niigata is going to have a fit if this made some sleazy tabloid.

"Who is that with him?" someone asked.

"Probably some model. She's tall and beautiful," someone else answered in the crowd.

Cristal prayed not to trip.

Yi-jun hurried her up the walk and into a building before anything could happen.

The sight as she stepped inside literally blew her mind.

Rich people meandered around dressed in stunning fashions, taking pictures and allowing others to take pictures of them.

Their clothing tastes ran from the very chic to new-wave fancy. Yi-jun escorted her up to the press section, where they both took center stage. Waiting photographers began taking their pictures and asking all sorts of outlandish questions about their relationship. She was thankful that Yi-jun just smiled sweetly and kept mum.

Music came from hidden speakers, and the photographers left them alone as the show began. Cerise Augustine stepped out from behind the curtain and welcomed everyone. She gave a tiny spiel about her company and then acknowledged a few people for coming. Yi-jun was one of the chosen, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the two of them were or had been more than friends by the way Cerise smiled at him.

Cristal glanced over at Yi-jun and caught him smiling back at Cerise. He didn't even have the decency to try to hide it from her or the photographers who took advantage of the situation and snapped their photos. Next a bevy of long- legged male and female models strutted the catwalk. Cristal pulled out her camera and notepad and got down to business.

She moved in place with the other photographers when she got comfortable enough in what she was doing, grimacing behind the camera at some of the outfits that she knew she would never be caught dead in. Cerise apparently was trying to capture a younger audience this time with her spring line of punk fashions, because older people just couldn't pull off the look. Cristal thought Cerise had made a serious mistake by doing so but she kept her opinion to herself until the show was over and she and Yi-jun were safely out of earshot.

"Well, what did you think?" Yi-jun asked.

"Not exactly her best," Cristal replied honestly. "It only reaches one class of people...a young generation that doesn't have their own money to afford these fashions. And quite frankly, the grunge look is dead."

Yi-jun smiled at his fans as they left the building. "Yes, I'll admit I expected more from Cerise. She must be having an off year. Hopefully Basil Degare will have something better to show tomorrow."

It was late in the afternoon when they climbed into the limousine, and Cristal couldn't wait to get back to her room to type up her notes and check out the pictures she'd taken. Mr.

Niigata would want to publish them anyway, no matter how unflattering they were. Beatrice drove them back to the hotel.

"What time should I return, Mr. Lee?" she asked as Yi-jun helped Cristal out and stepped onto the sidewalk.

"Around eight," Yi-jun replied. "We should be ready to go around then."

"Ready for what?" Cristal asked as he led her toward the hotel.

"Dinner and dancing," Yi-jun answered.

"I don't dance," Crystal lied to get his reaction.

"Satoshi said you're a natural-born dancer."

"Satoshi has a very big mouth for someone who's only known me for a couple of months."

The doorman opened the door for them, and they stepped inside the luxurious hotel. The lobby was alive with people checking in and out. Bellboys pushed carts to and from the three gold-door elevators while well-dressed patrons settled up their bills or sat in the plush upholstered chairs, talking with business clients or family members. Huge crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling gave bright light and illuminated the huge room.

"Be ready by seven," Yi-jun told her as they stepped inside one of the elevators that had arrived.

"What if I have plans?"

"Break them," he replied. "I've made reservations."

Cristal frowned. "One, I don't take orders from anyone unless they pay my salary, and two, I came here to work, not to go dancing."

The elevator door opened. "What's wrong with both? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," Yi-jun argued. "Why not make the most of it?"

Of course she knew he was right. Opportunities like this didn't come around that often, but she still didn't like to be ordered, even if it was to have fun. "Well, just this one time."

"I knew you'd agree," Yi-jun said as they stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hall toward their rooms on the penthouse floor. "Benoit, in Marais, has the finest food in all of Paris."

It wasn't the food part she worried about but the dancing part. She loved to dance, but she had the feeling that Yi-jun wouldn't be much fun in a club atmosphere. "Okay."

"And wear a dress."

"Yeah, yeah," she muttered as she entered her room.


Yi-jun removed his suit and carefully put it inside one of the zippered hanging bags in his closet, and then he scanned through his clean clothes to find something for wining and dining the most difficult Cristal around Paris. He'd never met anyone who didn't love to have fun sometimes. Work was important, but a person had to have a life too.

He supposed a suit and tie would be in order for dining but not for dancing. He wondered if there would be time to come back to the room to change. He shook his head, hoping to figure it out later. He walked around in his briefs, socks, and T-shirt. Maybe he'd better call his agent to see if anything was happening back in Korea and let him know where he was.

Dong Kobayashi was probably having hysterics by now, since he'd neglected to tell anyone but a select few what he was up to. He also needed to see if he'd received the contract for his next movie or any news from a movie he wanted to do in the United States. He wasn't holding his breath on the latter, because it was hard for Asian actors to break into the Hollywood scene. That was the one goal he had set for become a star in the United States.


"This is Yi-jun."

"Where are you?" Dong asked.



"Checking out the spring fashions," Yi-jun replied like it was a common thing to do.

"Who is the chick?"

Yi-jun chuckled. "Why do you always assume that a young lady is involved?"

"Because one always is. I can't recall a time when you didn't have some star-struck beauty on your arm or in your bed."

"I've slept alone a couple of times," Yi-jun replied in defense of his personal life.

"When?" Dong asked. "I've been your agent and friend for many years."

"Last night and the night before."

Dong laughed. "You know I don't believe you. Women gravitate toward you like planets to the sun."

"Not this time. The one I'm with is strictly business."

"See, I knew you weren't alone."

"True, we flew here together, but she's here to get a story for the magazine she works for on the spring fashion week in Paris and to get me to give her an interview."

"But you don't give interviews," Dong replied.

"I've made an exception," Yi-jun confessed.

Dong whistled. "She really must be something special. And you haven't slept with her yet?"

"No, I'm afraid not. Cristal is different."

"Does she have a penis?"


"Then she's not different. I predict you'll win her over somewhere around two in the morning."

"Why at such an odd hour?"

"Fits your mode of operations...dinner, dancing and then sex."

Yi-jun sighed. Was he that predictable?

"Am I right?"

"Not this time," he lied. "Dinner, yes; dancing, maybe; sex, non-negotiable. She's not that kind of girl."

"What's wrong with her? Is she married or homely?"

"Neither," Yi-jun told Dong. "She's single, gorgeous, has big brown eyes and a killer body."

"Sounds like your type."

"That's where you're wrong. Cristal is intelligent, funny and..."

"And what?" Dong asked.

"Wife material."

Dong laughed. "You have got to be kidding. You're Yi-jun Lee, debonair actor and playboy. Don't you dare fall in love.

What will your fans think?"

"That I'm human, but anyway that's not why I called. Did you get that contract from Mr. Wang?"

"Got it. When are you coming back?"

"At the end of the week, and then it's off to China to film."

"You've a very busy man and one of my best clients. As long as you don't do something foolish like run off and get married, I stand to make enough money to retire with."

"I'm so pleased that my happiness comes second in your life, Dong."

Dong laughed again. "You're the biggest star in Asia.

You're happy."

No, he really wasn't, but even he was smart enough not to mention that fact to his agent. "Well, I have to get ready for dinner."

"Yeah, yeah. Bring plenty of condoms and get that love thing out of your system tonight. It will all look different in the morning when she wakes up and doesn't look the same without her makeup as she did the night before." Dong hung up.

That's where Dong was wrong. Cristal looked absolutely fabulous when she woke. Yi-jun put his cell-phone on the dresser and headed toward the bathroom to shower. He didn't want to be late after bullying Cristal to accept his dinner invitation.

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