Saranghae Chapter Two

"Why the hell am I here?" Cristal asked as she stood among all the reporters from the rival television stations and magazine media. Every Korean reporter in town was trying to get an interview with the illusive movie actor Yi-jun Lee. The last thing she wanted was to try to get dirt on some spoiled and pampered pretty boy.

She'd been waiting for two hours for him to exit the sound lot where he was filming his latest movie...some type of martial arts film, and she could think of several things she'd rather be doing, including soaking in a tub of hot water.

Hyun-woo Kim, her cameraman, fiddled with some of his equipment. Hyun-woo had worked for Mr. Niigata longer than she had, and was very experienced in what he did. He was cute for twenty-seven, and had a sweet smile. "He shouldn't be much longer, Ms. Gentry," he said.

"How do you know that?"

"My friend just texted me from the inside. He said they were just about to wrap up taping."

"You have a friend on the inside? Why didn't ask him to sneak us in or to arrange a private interview?"

Hyun-woo shook his head, sending black bangs spilling in front of his eyes. He used his fingers to brush the hair back.

"It doesn't work that way with these celebrity types, especially this one. He never gives private interviews."

"Never gives interviews? Then why am I here?" She mumbled something under her breath. "What's so special about him anyway?"

Hyun-woo looked at her like she'd lost her mind. "What planet have you been on? Yi-jun Lee is one of the biggest stars in Korea, if not in all Asia. He's only twenty-six years old and he's wanted by every film studio in Asia."

Cristal scratched the back of her head...a habit she'd had since childhood. "Never heard of him." She'd been in Osaka trying to have a life. Running behind some movie star never crossed her mind. She had better things to do, like keep her ass out of trouble with Goro Niigata. It was bad enough she had to deal with all the K and J-pop groups he managed. He'd hired her as a publicist for all his groups, but his trophy group Aomori took up most of her time. They thought they owned her just because they ruled the Asian recording market.

Satoshi and Takumijo were lucky they were cute.

The doors to a big white warehouse inside a high guarded gate opened, and a bunch of people exited.

"Someone is coming out," Hyun-woo announced.

Cristal turned to see and caught her heel on the curb of the sidewalk, breaking it. "Damn," she said sitting down on the curve to remove her shoe just as the crowd of reporters moved forward. "Ooh," she said, scooting out of their path so she wouldn't be trampled.

"Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee. What's the movie about?" she heard a reporter ask in Korean. Unlike Japanese, Korean words flowed smoothly from the mouth. She, fortunately, was fluent in both, thanks to living in Japan most of her life. Being an army brat did have some privileges, which included dual citizenship in Asia and the United States, where her parents were from.

"I don't do interviews," she heard a deep, sexy voice reply as she struggled to take off both her shoes. The ground cut into her feet, but it was a lot easier than hobbling along on one shoe.

"Ah, come on, Mr. Lee. We've been out here waiting a long time. The least you can do is answer a few questions."

Cristal couldn't see a thing from her position on the curb.

She hoped Hyun-woo had better luck that she did.

"No, the least I can do is ignore you."

The crowd started moving again, indicating that the movie star was walking away from them.

"The Korean public is curious about you," another reporter said. That voice belonged to a female. "Please say something to all your adoring fans."

"No comment."

"What a jerk," Cristal shouted loudly.

There was a hush in the crowd, and then sea of people parted.

"Who are you calling a jerk?" someone asked her in English.

Cristal looked up. A very handsome Korean man stood staring down on her. "Are you speaking to me?"

He sighed as if he had expended too much effort acknowledging her presence. "Yes." His English was superb with just a hint of an accent.

"No, I wasn't referring to you. I was referring to Yi-jun Lee. Who does he think he is anyway? These reporters are only doing their jobs. He should be honored someone wants to do a story on him when there are so many other important things to write about."

The crowd cheered around her.

"Is that so?" the man asked, peering down on her with dark chocolate-colored eyes. "What else is more important than him?"

"Plenty of stuff," Cristal replied. "War, poverty, this year's spring fashion collection in Paris."

The man kept looking down on her, which she found a delight since he was taller than she was. She liked tall men.

He also had an alluring smile. "True, those things are important, especially the spring fashions, but you can't compare them to the magnificent of Yi-jun Lee."

Oh, oh, obviously a fan of the actor. Her gay-dar hadn't gone off, but he was definitely enamored with the movie star.

"Are you serious? Basil Degare's new line of fancy and formal clothes are said to be the best he's ever designed."

The man chuckled. "But not as impressive as Cerise Augustine's line. The woman has an eye for fashion."

Cristal raised one leg and swept a rock from under her foot. The man lent her a hand and helped her to her feet. He had some serious muscles under his suit jacket. "Thank you."

She lowered her foot. "Are you a fan of Yi-jun?' she asked him as he continued to watch her.

"One of the biggest. The man is a god."

"The only gods in this generation are in Tohoshinki, and you can't compare him to them. Besides, he doesn't sound like a god to me. He sounds like he's got a serious case of too much ego."

"Obviously you aren't a fan. What are you doing here then?"

"My boss sent me here to get an interview for his magazine company. I think he has it out for me, though.

Apparently he knew it wouldn't be easy. He could have told me that Yi-jun Lee was too stuck on himself to grant interviews."

Laughter resounded through the crowd that she had forgotten was there. Talking to handsome men usually did that to her. "What's their problem?" she asked Hyun-woo, who suddenly appeared before her holding his video camera in her face. "What's so funny?"

Hyun-woo lowered the camera. "You are," he answered.

He raised the camera and pointed it at her.

Cristal shoved it out of her way. "You know I don't like to be photographed."

"Why not?' the handsome man at her side asked. "You're very photogenic, isn't she, everyone?"

Some of the men in the crowd whistled, while others held their cameras in her face.

"I already know what I look like. I'm nothing newsworthy.

I prefer to be on the other side of the camera, thank you."

"Ah, but you're wrong. Can I see the camera?" he asked Hyun-woo.

Hyun-woo handed the very expensive piece of equipment over to a complete stranger. The man put it to his eye and then aimed it at her. "Smile," he said. "Let all of Asia see you."

"Don't you have something better to do, like try to catch up with Yi-jun Lee?" she asked, shying away from the camera. "Why would I want all of Asia to know me?"

"Why not?' he asked. "You're beautiful, have a great body, a great sense of fashion and ten perfect toes." He lowered the camera to her feet, and the crowd laughed.

Cristal moved her toes around, thankful that she had gotten a pedicure earlier.

The man raised the camera. "What is your name?"

"Cristal Gentry of Niigata Enterprises and KiNii Publishing,"

she replied.

"Cristal, like the champagne?"

"No, like me. I think I was created first." All the attention was beginning to annoy her. Mr. Niigata was going to have a fit when he saw the footage.

"Now tell us, Cristal Gentry, what is a beautiful African- American woman like you doing in Korea when obviously you should be gracing the catwalks of Paris?"

"Trying to stay employed, "she replied. "Which I probably won't be when my boss finds out about this and that I let Mr.

Lee get away."

The crowd laughed again. What was their problem?

"What if I told you I could get you a personal interview with him?"

"I'd say you're off your rocker. I heard him say that he doesn't give interviews."

"Oh, he'd do it for me. All I have to do is call him and ask."

"Yeah, right," Cristal replied. "Nothing is that easy."

The man handed the camera back to Hyun-woo. "Do you have a cell phone I can use?"

Cristal dug into her pocket, pulled out her pink cell phone and handed it over to him to call his bluff. The man accepted the phone and punched in some numbers. Another phone rang nearby. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black cell phone and answered it. "Hello," he said into the other phone. "This is Yi-jun Lee calling for Yi-jun Lee. I would like to ask you to do me a favor and grant one interview to this fantastic-looking reporter I just met."

"Okay," he said in the other phone. "But only if she agrees to have dinner with me tomorrow night." He disconnected both phones and handed hers back over to her.

Cristal frowned at him. "You could have at least told me that I was making a fool out of myself in front of all these people and the Asian public. Reporters and cameramen have been recording the entire conversation between us."

Yi-jun smiled innocently. "But you were so cute. I didn't have the heart to stop you."

"Bite me," she said to Yi-jun as she walked away from him.

He caught up to her and took her arm, stopping her in her tracks. "What about the interview?" he asked.

"No thanks."

"What about dinner?"

"No thanks."

"What about an adventure of a lifetime?"

"You have a date with Yi-jun Lee?" Takumijo asked her as she prepared another speech for him. The tall, gorgeous Japanese not only was a spectacular singer but also choreographed all the dances for the group. He fiddled with one of her curls, and she slapped his fingers away. "I am so jealous."

"You are not. You're about to star in a drama with Osamu Nakaumura. You have nothing to be jealous of."

Osamu Nakaumura was Japan's hottest movie hunk and a personal friend of Takumijo. The two of them met during another drama shortly after Takumijo made his debut. They had been partnered in several dramas before, and rumor had it that Osamu wanted him for a full-length movie.

"But Yin-jun is something special. You'll be the envy of every teenaged girl in Korea."

"Yeah, right. The only thing I'm thankful for is that Mr.

Niigata didn't fire me after he saw that footage Hyun-woo brought to him."

"But you we so cute standing there in your bare feet, holding your broken shoe and fussing with him."

"Well, he should have told me who he was from the beginning."

"No, you should have done some research on him before you left to try to get an interview," Takumijo replied, sitting down in a chair next to her at the table in the conference room where they often worked together.

"Usually I do, but Mr. Niigata didn't give me time to prepare."

Takumijo chuckled. "The man does have a way of putting business before pleasure."

"Mr. Kehoe's the same way when he's in town." Harper Kehoe was Mr. Niigata's business partner from America.

"And he's great at buying ladies underwear, or so I've heard."

Cristal looked at him oddly.

"A long story involving Shaundra Morrison."

"Ichiro's wife?" She hadn't met Ichiro or Yori yet but had heard a lot of talk about them.

Takumijo nodded. "He likes her too. It really messed him up when she married Ich."

"I just bet it did. How are they doing anyway?"

"They're fine. Ichiro has never been happier. I think Shaundra is the best thing that happened to him."

"She's much older than him, isn't she?" Cristal asked.

Takumijo nodded. "Twenty-five years older, but they love each other dearly."

"Now that's newsworthy. Not some story on a conceited actor."

Takumijo laughed. "Yi-jun's not bad."

"Yes, he is."

"Then why did you agree to have dinner with him tonight?"

"To get that interview for Mr. Niigata."

"Good answer," Takumijo replied. "Wear a dress. Men like legs. Makes them talkative."

Cristal stopped writing. "It does?" No wonder she hadn't been on a date in years. Japanese men were shyer than American men, and an African-American male was a rarity in Asia.

"Yes, and some makeup wouldn't hurt either."

Cristal rolled her eyes at him. "It's too early in the morning for makeup, and I certainly don't need any to impress you."

Satoshi entered the room wearing a pair of sinfully tight blue jeans that rode low on his narrow waist and slim hips.

The sleeveless blue shirt gave her a rare glimpse at his muscular arms. He was twenty-six years old and notorious for flirting.

"Cristal has a date tonight," Takumijo announced as Satoshi poured himself a cup of tea and joined them at the table.

"With whom?"

"Yi-jun Lee," Takumijo replied.

Satoshi hesitated for a moment and then whistled. "I'm impressed."

"Don't be," Cristal said, watching him add lemon and sugar to his tea like the Americans. "I'm just doing it so I can get an interview for Mr. Niigata."

"Ah, business before pleasure. Wear a dress. Men like legs."

Takumijo laughed. "I told her the same thing."

She supposed she had something appropriate in her closet.

"I'll think about it."

"What's to think about? Show some legs. Maybe you'll get lucky," Satoshi said.

"What do I need to get lucky for? I don't even like the man, so I doubt there'll be any hanky-panky going on."

"You never know," Satoshi replied. "I heard that he's quite charming."

"Then apparently you've never met him. He's very arrogant."

"I've lived with Takumijo and Yori. Who are more arrogant than they are?" Satoshi sipped his tea and eyed her at the same time. "A little makeup won't hurt to play up those big brown eyes and creamy brown complexion."

"You guys are ridiculous. I know how to dress on a date. If I doll up too much he might get the wrong idea."

Satoshi chuckled. "So what? Flatter the man's ego and get the interview."

"Why do I hang around with you guys?" Cristal asked.

"Because we are cute and taller than you are?" Takumijo answered, getting up to fix himself a cup of tea. "And because it is obvious that you need someone to watch over you while we're in Korea."

She could think of worse situations to be in. "Thanks. I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to work with me." She pushed the copy over to Takumijo once he sat back down. "Memorize this."

Takumijo picked up the paper and read over it. "It's in Korean."

"You're in Korea and will be speaking to the Korean public." She turned to Satoshi. "Now for you. Mr. Niigata says that you'll be doing a publicity speech for Aomori's new television special."

"It's our sixth anniversary," Satoshi told her.

"Then I'd better do some research to make sure I get the dates down correctly."

"No need for research," Satoshi said, pointing to his bangs- covered forehead. "I have all the dates buried in here. I can fill you in over lunch."

"We're doing lunch?" Cristal asked. She'd planned to do her hair.

"Yes, and anything else you want to do."

"Don't flatter yourself. I don't do J-pop guys."

Satoshi put his hand against his chest. "You wound me.

What's wrong with singers?"

"They all want to get into my panties, even those young ones Mr. Niigata has just recruited."

"Can't beat a man for trying," Satoshi replied.

"You couldn't handle me," Cristal bragged to put his skirt- chasing butt in his place. His sexual exploits were legendary.

The woman who snagged him would have a lot of work to do to make him monogamous.

Satoshi eyed her curiously. "How do you know this, little Cristal? I can make the earth revolve for you if you give me the chance."

"No thanks," Cristal replied. "I'll take my chances with the arrogant actor."

Satoshi went back to his tea, seemingly not offended. "And wear good underwear tonight. You'll never know what situation you might find yourself in."

"No one will be seeing my underwear tonight. We're just going out to dinner and maybe a few drinks in town while I conduct the interview. Nothing else."

"Wear the lacy stuff," Satoshi insisted. "And don't forget to shave down there."

Cristal wadded up a piece of paper and threw it at him.

Satoshi caught it and chuckled. "Brazilian cut preferred."

"You are so nasty," Cristal told him. "I wonder why we're still friends."

"Because I add excitement to your life."

"Don't you guys have a television show to practice for?"

she asked.

"No, that's not for another four months. We're just here making arrangements. But we do plan to do a bit of practicing when Ichiro arrives from the United States."

"Pretty little blue-eyed soul," she said of Ichiro.

"He's married," Satoshi reminded her.

"Yes, I know, but I heard he's so cute."

"Not especially," Satoshi replied. "But he does have nice hair."

Cristal stared at him. "Really, how nice?"

"The last time I saw him it came down to his butt, and it's so soft." Satoshi sighed contently.

"That is so gay on so many levels," Takumijo teased.

Cristal nodded in agreement. "I can't wait to meet him."

"I'll tell him that tonight when I see him," Satoshi replied.

"After we have lunch and I take you shopping for some decent underwear." He rose from the chair and helped her out of hers.

"What about Takumijo?"

"What about him?" Satoshi asked, smiling at his best friend.

"Isn't he joining us for lunch?"

"Can't," Takumijo replied. "I have a date with my hairstylist."

"You guys are so vain," Cristal stated as Satoshi dragged her out of the conference room. "Men aren't supposed to be so pretty."

The limousine arriving at the mansion precisely at seven that evening scored major brownie points for Yi-jun Lee. He stepped out dressed in a formal black tuxedo with his hair slicked back like a gangster, and showing off his impressive brow and masculine features. She was so glad that she had listened to Satoshi and splurged on her new dress and shoes that showed off her legs.

Yi-jun looked her over from head to toe. "Perfect. I like a lady who wears dresses. How did you know that red is my favorite color?" He turned her around to get the full view. "We have just enough time to make it to the airport," he said as he helped her into the limousine and got in beside her.

"Why are we going to the airport?" Cristal asked as she fastened her seat belt.

"To catch a plane," he told her as the driver pulled away from the curb.

"A plane? Where are we going?"

"Paris," he announced.

"I can't go to Paris. What about my job? And I didn't pack anything?"

"I have arranged everything with Mr. Niigata. He said for you to use your company card to purchase everything you need once you get to Paris."

"What? When did you speak to Mr. Niigata?" Cristal asked.

"This morning. He said to take your time and do a good interview for KiNii. Oh yeah, he said enjoy Paris."

Cristal moved around in her seat. She could not believe they were speaking of the same man. The Mr. Niigata she knew wasn't that nice.

"Relax. I thought you wanted to see spring fashions, which by the way you're supposed to do a story on while you're there for a week."

She knew it. That was the Mr. Niigata she knew. He expected her to work. "Why does he assume that I can be gone for a week? I do have a life." Well, not really, but she wasn't going to admit it to him.

"Relax. You're going to love Paris. The food is great, the people are quaint and the nightlife is spectacular."

Nightlife? What is that?

The limousine rolled through the streets at an alarming rate. The next thing she knew they had arrived at the airport and were on the landing strip.

Yi-jun grabbed her hand and helped her out of the car, and then literally dragged her across the field to the waiting jet that had his name embossed on its side.

An American stewardess greeted them. "You're right on time, Mr. Lee. The pilot is ready to take off."

"Thanks, Becky. I had to make a little stop first."

The blonde-haired, blue-eyed stewardess looked her over.

"Very nice. Killer legs."

"So I've noticed," Yi-jun said, pulling her past Becky and depositing her into a seat next to the window. He scooted in next to her. "Buckle up." He fastened his seat belt.

The wheels of the plane began to roll, and then it took off.

The nerves in the pit of her stomach clenched.

"You're not afraid to fly, are you?" he asked, casting a glance her way.

"It's a fine time to ask," Cristal said sarcastically. Lucky for him she wasn't.

"Good evening," the pilot said through the intercom system. "We should be arriving in Paris tomorrow. Please enjoy your ride, and please don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"What does he mean by that?" Cristal asked, undoing her seat belt and getting comfortable.

"That is Frederick. He has a weird sense of humor."

"And you trust him to fly us to Paris. What does he think we'll be doing back here?"

Becky wheeled out a cart bearing champagne, caviar, fluted glasses and an assortment of food, including chocolate- dipped strawberries.

"Anything we desire," Yi-jun replied. "We are the only passengers, and the sky is the limit."

Okay, maybe she shouldn't have drunk so much champagne, Cristal thought after returning from the restroom. She found Yi-jun busy on a laptop computer. "What are you doing?"

"Arranging lunch for us tomorrow before we attend the fashion show," Yi-jun answered.

Cristal passed him and sat down. "You aren't serious? How did you arrange an invitation to a private event?"

"I know the designer," he replied as he shut the laptop down. "We're old friends."

"How old?' Cristal asked. "What are you, twenty-one?"

"Twenty-six," he corrected. "We met right after I completed my military duty."

Young Asian men were required to complete two years of military duty before they turned thirty.

"You've done your military duty already?"

"I volunteered shortly after my eighteenth birthday. I wanted an acting career, so I got it out of the way. It doesn't make sense to start a career and then put it on hold for two years."


"Another fine quality about me," Yi-jun bragged.

"There are others?"

"You should be writing this down."

Cristal reached into her purse and pulled out a pad and pen. "I'm ready."

"I'm kind, generous, and devoted to my country. I am an excellent son, I give to charities and I'm a sensational lover."

Cristal's head popped up. Yi-jun stared into her eyes. Why hadn't she noticed how hot he was before? "You are?"

"Yes," he bragged. "Care to find out?"

Cristal yawned. "Not especially."

"Are you tired?" Yi-jun asked.

Cristal nodded. "Sort of? It's been a long day."

He put the laptop aside, took her hand and led her to a door at the back of the plane.

"What's this?"

Yi-jun opened the door. Inside was a complete bedroom suite. She stepped inside. A beautiful white negligee lay across the black satin comforter. "It should fit," he informed her. "Satoshi told me your size."

"When did you speak to him?"

"While the two of you were out shopping. He texted me."

Why didn't she suspect the two Romeos were friends?

"Remind me to kill him when we return to Korea."

Yi-jun smiled. "He is right. You do have stars in your eyes.

Pleasant dreams," he told her as he stepped outside the room and closed the door.

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