Saranghae Chapter Fifteen

"You look fantastic," Shaundra told Cristal once Shaundra finished styling Cristal's hair. "You must be very excited seeing him after such a long time."

"I didn't think I would be, but yes. I am. I can't wait for you to meet him."

"I've heard a lot about him. I hear he's gorgeous."

Cristal nodded. "Of course not as gorgeous as Ichiro, but he runs a close second."

Shaundra chuckled. "I still want to meet him. If he's a friend of Satoshi's he must be great."

"You mind if I ask you something?"

"Sure," Shaundra replied.

"Have you ever been in love with two men at the same time?"

Shaundra sat down on Cristal's bed. "Yes. Why?"

"How did you decide which one of them was the right one?"

Shaundra sighed. "I just followed my heart. I took a long look at both of them to figure out which one would be there for me in the long haul, and which one would be least and most affected by my decision. So, I ask you again, why?"

"I suddenly find myself in that position."

"Ah, Yi-jun and Satoshi?"

Cristal nodded.

"I thought so. You're the only woman I ever saw Satoshi look twice at who wasn't me." Shaundra smirked.

Cristal gasped. "So, it's all true. I mean, what I heard about you guys?"

Shaundra nodded. "But I made the right choice, and you will too."

"But how do I choose? They both have so much to offer."

"Ask yourself which one of them would lay down his life for you, choose you over his job, will be by your side and cry for you when you die, or would move Heaven and earth to get to you when obstacles block your way. That is the one to choose."

The doorbell rang.

"Show's on," Shaundra said. "Lucky bachelor number two has arrived."

Cristal rose. "Do I really look okay?"

Shaundra nodded. "Girl, you're rocking that dress. If you don't believe me, watch Yi-jun's eyes when he sees you."

Shaundra rose from the bed. "I'm going downstairs to meet him so you can make a grand entrance."

Cristal nodded. "I'll be down in a minute."

Shaundra left.

Cristal took one last look at herself in the mirror and waited patiently for time to pass.

"When did you get in town?" Satoshi asked Yi-jun as they high-fived each other.

"A couple of hours ago. I wanted to surprise you."

"Come on in," Satoshi said. "I thought I wouldn't see you again until we arrived in China."

"I finished up with some of my commitments, so I figured I'd take a little trip."

"Korea to Japan is not a little trip." He led Yi-jun into the den. Yori and Amaya were seated, listening to music.

"Yi-jun!" Amaya screamed, hopping up from her seat and throwing herself into his arms like a star-struck fan. "What are you doing here?"

Yi-jun hugged Amaya. "I came to see you guys."

Yori rose and pulled his wife off of the movie star. "Nice to see you again." Both men shook hands.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make the wedding, but congratulations."

"Thanks for the gift," Amaya said, still looking at him. "I'll treasure it forever."

Yi-jun chuckled. "Same old Amaya."

Satoshi showed him to a seat. "What have you been up to?"

"Signing contracts. I just got the part in an American movie."


Yi-jun nodded. "Yes. We start filming in two months."

"Man, you've always loved the United States."

"Yes. We got into so much trouble there when we were kids."

Ichiro and Shaundra entered the den.

Yi-jun hopped out of his seat. "Ichiro, damn, man, look at you. Where did those muscles come from?" He shook Ichiro's hand.

"The gym," Ichiro answered. "When did you get in?"

"This afternoon." He looked at Shaundra. "And who is this?"

Ichiro pulled Shaundra forward and held her hand. "This is my wife Shaundra. Shaundra, this is Yi-jun Lee. He's a famous movie star and Satoshi's best friend."

Yi-jun bowed to Shaundra. "Shaundra Morrison?"

Shaundra nodded and tried to step closer to him, but Ichiro held on tight.

"I've read all of your books."

Shaundra giggled. "So you're Satoshi's friend. I think you and I will be great friends, and you'll have to fill me in on what Satoshi was like as a child."

"You are so beautiful," Yi-jun said.

"So are you," Shaundra said with a smile.

"See, definitely Satoshi's friend," Ichiro said. "He's known you five minutes and he's already trying to add you to his stable."

Yi-jun chuckled. "I see you still have that wicked little sense of humor, Ich."

"Don't you guys have any plain friends?" Shaundra asked, really checking him out.

"Thanks for the compliment," Yi-jun said.

Satoshi watched it all, amazed at how fast Shaundra and Yi-jun responded to each other.

Yi-jun stopped flirting with Shaundra as soon as Cristal entered the den.

"Wow," both he and Yi-jun said simultaneously.

Yi-jun bowed. "You look spectacular," he told her.

She blushed, Satoshi noted. Damn. He'd never seen her like this before. "Are you two going out?"

"Yes," Yi-jun said. "To dinner, dancing and whatever."

Cristal blushed again.

"Cristal is not old enough for whatever," Satoshi replied.

"Especially with you." He sounded jealous even to himself. He stepped back. He had no right. "Have fun you two."

Yi-jun walked over to Cristal and took her hand. He bowed over it and kissed it.

"Let's go," Cristal told him once he released her hand.

"Before Masaaki grounds me."

Yi-jun turned, bowed again to everyone in the room and followed Cristal out of the den.

"They look good together," Shaundra said, pulling Ichiro toward the den door.

"Do they?" Satoshi asked, following them out of the den.

They left Yori and Amaya again with their boring classical music.

"Is there anything you can't do?" Cristal asked Yi-jun as they danced on the rooftop of a ritzy hotel. Somehow he had talked the owner into renting the spot out to him, and having it decorated with a table set with delicious-smelling food.

"The owner is a friend of mine. I stay here whenever I'm in town."

"He must be a very good friend."

"The best," Yi-jun said, dancing her slowly over to the table while the most romantic love songs in the world played through a speaker. He held a seat out for her and then flipped a napkin over his arm and started uncovering the dishes...all American. He served her prime rib, Oysters Rockefeller, New England clam chowder and for dessert, bananas foster.

"I am going to gain so much weight hanging around with you," Cristal said as Yi-jun filled her glass with wine.

"No you won't." He poured some wine into his glass and then sat down at the table across from her. "Did I tell you look beautiful? And black is definitely your color."

"Thanks," Cristal said as she sampled the wine. "Shaundra helped me get ready."

"Ichiro's wife?"

Cristal nodded. "She's a great friend."

"And quite lovely. I don't know why I imagined that she'd look much older. Imagine my surprise to find a young woman who appears to be about our age."

"She's fifty," Cristal told him.

"Yeah, I know. The genes in her family must be stellar.

Ichiro is one lucky dude."

"Every man she meets seems to think so, except Takumijo."

"Well, Takumijo doesn't really like anyone."

"No, it's not that. Takumijo is friendly to her, but he isn't in love with her like Ichiro, Satoshi and Yori."

"That's because he's smart. Ichiro would kick his butt."

"Enough about them. How long are you in town?"

"We have the entire night. I snuck away without telling my agent."

Cristal gasped in fake surprise. "He is so going to ground you."

"Probably," Yi-jun said. "Dong does think that he owns me.

He's a cool dude though."

They ate their meal and then dessert and then went back to dancing on the rooftop.

"Would you like to see my penthouse apartment?" Yi-jun asked.

"Does that line work on the rest of your women?"

"No, but I was hoping it would work on you. I really want you to see it."

"Whatever," Cristal said, taking his hand and leading him to the door to the stairs. "And I really want to see it."

"I don't know why you're all bummed out," Takumijo said to Satoshi after he returned to the mansion. "After all, you fixed them up."

"Yes, I know," Satoshi said with a sigh. "I'm always seeking pleasure. I thought Cristal would get tired of him after a while."

Takumijo sat down. "And it backfired and now you're miserable."

Satoshi nodded. "Why do I do foolish things? If I would have acted on my impulses, I would be the one Shaundra is draining sexually."

Takumijo looked at him oddly. "No?"

Satoshi smirked. "Poor Ich could barely stand when she finished without him earlier. She had the poor lad swallowing down health drinks to rebuild his stamina."

Takumijo chuckled. "Shaundra is definitely making a man out of our baby."

"How was your outing?" Satoshi asked, suddenly changing the subject.

Takumijo stopped smiling. "Interesting."

"How is Osamu?"

"Always a pleasure."

"You were careful?"

Takumijo nodded. "Always. Osamu sent his love."

Satoshi moved around nervously. "When is he leaving?"

Satoshi never really liked Takumijo's boyhood friend because scandal usually followed in Osamu's wake.

Takumijo frowned. "Don't tell me you don't like him either?"

"Like has nothing to do with it. But you're always miserable when he leaves."

"He'll be in town for another couple of days, and then he's flying to China. He's filming some kind of historical drama there."

"Speaking of good news, Yi-jun got a part in an American film. He's so excited about it."

"But he's already a big star in Korea. What does he want to do an American film for?"

Satoshi sighed. "Like us, he craves the freedom of America. He was quite upset when his father moved back to Korea when we were kids."

"You think he'll move there permanently?" Takumijo asked.

Satoshi shrugged. "Maybe if his career takes off."

"Do you think Cristal will go with him?"

Satoshi shrugged again. "Do you think she's coming home tonight?"

Takumijo shrugged too. "She will if she knows what's good for her. She'd better get here before Masaaki discovers she's AWOL."

"Speaking of absent without leave, how did you manage to get out tonight?"

Takumijo smirked. "I'm taller and outweigh Masaaki. What can he do to me?"

"You have a point." Satoshi sighed. "Life was much easier for him when we were kids. Maybe we should cut him some slack."

"No," Takumijo replied. "It's too much fun seeing him squirm." He paused. "Did Yori and Amaya put in an appearance this evening?"

"Yes," Satoshi answered. "Masaaki bailed them out, and they were sitting down here in the den when Yi-jun arrived.

Yori had to pry Amaya off of Yi-jun again."

Takumijo chuckled. "Yori has his hands full with a star- struck wife. It's obvious that he has feelings for Amaya, but what I can't understand is that belly-bumping dance with Shaundra."

"You know Yori. It's do as I say, not as I do. He can flirt with Shaundra all he wants, but Amaya has to be the devoted wife to him and not flirt with other men."

"How is Ichiro? He was pretty angry when he left the club."

"He's calmed down some. He put in an appearance too, along with his charming wife."

"So what did Yi-jun think of Shaundra?"

"You know. He checked her out and she charmed the pants off of him."

"You guys are hilarious. Shaundra will have all the males in Japan sniffing after her if she's not careful."

"Not all," Satoshi said, looking at him suspiciously.

"No, most," Takumijo replied. He rose and stretched. "I'm tired. Don't stay up too late worrying. Cristal is a big girl.

She'll find her way home."

"I don't think I can walk," Cristal said to Yi-jun as he held the car door open for her. "The fleet is definitely in."

Yi-jun chuckled. "Do you want me to carry you?"

"No thanks. I'll make it." She slid out of his car, and he reached out and took her hand.

Yi-jun pulled him to her for a kiss. "I'm going to miss you,"

he said once he stopped kissing her.

"Next time give me some advance notice so I can train for another lovemaking marathon with you. You never cease to amaze me."

Yi-jun chuckled. "You were perfect and very nimble." He kissed her on the lips again.

Cristal blushed. Yi-jun was positively shocking with his charm. "Don't tell anyone. I have a reputation to uphold."

"You live in a house with four of the worst heathens of J- pop. Your reputation was ruined the day you accepted the job."

Cristal chuckled. "Yes, they are a handful, but they're family."

Yi-jun kissed her again, this time allowing his tongue to slip through her lips. If he didn't stop this, she wasn't going to make it inside the house without tearing his clothes from his gorgeous body.

"You'd better go inside before Masaaki puts out an APB on you."

The front door opened and Satoshi appeared. "I thought I heard a car."

Yi-jun waved to him. "Just bringing the princess home after the ball." He kissed Cristal on the cheek and waved goodbye to Satoshi. "See you in China. Save me a front row seat for your concert."

"I won't forget," Satoshi replied as Cristal walked up the stairs to him. "We'll do China up right."

Yi-jun climbed into his car and sped off.

"Has Masaaki been looking for me?" Cristal asked, trying not to meet Satoshi's eyes.

"No, lucky girl. He went out for the evening but hasn't returned yet."

"Is he on a date?" she asked as she stepped inside the farmhouse. Satoshi followed dangerously close like a shadow.

"Would that surprise you?"

Cristal nodded. "Quite frankly, yes."

Satoshi closed and locked the door. "Why? He is a normal man with normal urges."

"He's the manager of a famous J-pop group. One that constantly disobeys his orders."

Satoshi chuckled, took her hand and led her to the den.

Cristal sat down, and Satoshi sat next to her.

"How was your date?"

"Fine. We went dancing, ate dinner and..."


"Yes, whatever."

"You do know that Yi-jun has done whatever with lots of women?" Satoshi pushed a lock of hair away from her eye.

His finger stroked her cheek.

"Yes, I know." Why is my body reacting to his touch so soon after being with Yi-jun?

"Are you in love with him?"

Cristal shrugged. "It's too soon to say. But he does make me happy."

"But does he make you laugh like I can? Can he make your eye sparkle like they're doing now just by talking to me?"

Cristal trembled involuntarily. "What's with the fifty questions?"


"It's an old American saying for why are you being so nosey?"

Satoshi removed his fingers. "I'm just curious. Humor me."

"Yes, he does make me laugh. Yi-jun has a wonderful sense of humor and..."

Satoshi leaned into her and kissed her.

Cristal's eyes widened in surprise.

Satoshi deepened the kiss. "I can smell him all over you and taste him on your lips." He rose. "Forgive me. I should not have done that."

"Why did you?"

"Because for the moment you looked like you needed it."

Satoshi turned on his heel and walked out of the room.

Cristal sighed. Stupid Satoshi. Why did he have to kiss me like that? Now I'm really confused. Cristal rose and hurried out of the den and up the stairs. She heard Masaaki come home fifteen minutes after she made it safely up to her room.

"Let's adopt a baby," Ichiro told Shaundra as she snuggled up next to him in bed.

"What?" Shaundra asked, pulling away from him.

"Let's adopt a baby."


"Because I think it would be good for you, and you won't get lonely when I'm away working."

Shaundra chuckled. "Are you serious? Why are you thinking about this all of a sudden?"

Ichiro pouted and folded his arms across his bare chest.

"It's not all of a sudden. I just don't want you to get lonely and leave me for another man. A baby will keep you too busy to notice."

Shaundra shook her head. "Silly boy." She moved closer and released his hair from the elastic band. It cascaded down his back and around his face. "Why would I even look at another man when I have you?" Truth be known, he still rocked her world.

Ichiro removed her hand from his hair. "I am trying to be serious here."

"So am I, Ich. I don't have time in my life for a baby right now. I'm obligated to two publishers, and I'm married to a pop star who wants me to go on tour with him. I have four grown kids back in the United States. My plate is full."


Shaundra put his finger on his lips. "No buts. A baby is a big responsibility and a lot of work. Do you realize I'll be in my seventies when this child reaches adulthood? And you'll be what? Forty-six?" Damn, and probably still hot. "Do you really want to give up our time together to raise a kid?"

"Not really," he said. "I just thought it might be nice for you."

She could tell when he was lying to her. "You're sweet, but you're all the baby I need." She reached beneath the covers and stroked him with her hand.

"Ooh," Ichiro said as he trembled. "Don't do that. He's dead."

Shaundra chuckled. "Nonsense. He's too young to die. He just needs a little attention." She crawled beneath the covers and proved it to him.

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