Saranghae Chapter Fourteen

Cristal's phone rang. "Hello."

"Hello, Cristal."


"Yes. How are you?"

Horny, frustrated and confused, she wanted to tell him.

"I'm fine. What's up?"

"Why don't you sound like you're happy I called?"

"I'm just surprised since I haven't heard from you since you dropped me off in Korea a couple of weeks ago."

"I'm sorry," he replied. "I've been very busy."

"Too busy to call?" Rat fink. Probably been romancing some hot Asian actress.

"I'm afraid so. I've been in contract negotiations with an American producer."

"You got the part?" she squealed.

"Yes. Filming begins in a couple of months."

"I'm so glad for you. I know how badly you wanted the role."

"I've missed you," he said.

The pit of her stomach clenched. "I missed you too."

Damn, why did I admit that to him?

"How's Satoshi?"

Back to reality. "He's fine."

"So what did you think of Yori and Ichiro?"

"Ichiro is adorable, and, well, Yori's in jail."

"What?" Yi-jun asked. "Why?"

"He and his wife got arrested a couple of hours ago for fighting in a club."

"He and Amaya got into a fight in a club?"

"No, Amaya and Shaundra were fighting because Shaundra was dancing with Yori at a club we were at."

"You went clubbing?"

"Yeah. Satoshi wanted to go."

"You went clubbing with Satoshi? As in a date?"

Why did she get the impression that he was upset? "No, we all went out. Well, everyone except Masaaki, who's at the police station with his worthless guards trying to bail Yori and Amaya out. And I'm trying to get some copy ready to smooth things out with the media before the story goes public."

Yi-jun chuckled. "Sounds like you guys are having a ball."

Cristal chuckled. "It was quite entertaining, especially when Ichiro arrived and kicked Yori clean across some tables."


"You should have seen it. Yori was trying to separate Yori and Amaya when Ichiro arrived. It looked like Yori was holding Shaundra so Amaya could whip up on her. Ichiro misunderstood and kicked Yori with this high-flying drop move. Talk about superhero action."

"I told you you'd like them."

"Yes, but Masaaki's probably going to ground all of us."

"Why you?" Yi-jun asked.

"Guilty by association."

"Well, I hope you're not grounded tomorrow night."

"What's happening tomorrow night?" she asked.

"I'm coming to Osaka."

Everything below her waist sizzled. "You're coming here?"

"I miss you, so try to stay away from Masaaki."

"I'll sneak out if I have to," Cristal replied.

"I plan to take you to dinner, dancing and whatever."


"Yeah, did I fail to mention that I really missed you?"

"I really missed you too." Oh boy, she was going to see Yi- jun again.

"Don't tell Satoshi I'm coming. I want to surprise him."

"I won't."

"See you tomorrow. I should arrive about eight at night."

"See you," Cristal said as he pressed the button on her phone and disconnected them. "Tomorrow? I have to get my hair done." She looked at the time. Damn, it was too late to make an appointment. She'd have to call as soon as the beauty parlor opened tomorrow morning. "And I need something to wear. He's seen me in everything else."

"You guys are so grounded," Masaaki told Yori and Amaya as they rode to the mansion in the limousine. "You too, Kenny."

Kenshin sighed. "I knew going out with those guys was a bad idea." He raised the partition between the front of the limousine and the back where the three others sat.

"I'm too old to be grounded," Amaya argued. "I am not a child."

Yori smirked. She was so grounded, especially since she'd started the fight.

"You are a part of this family now, so if I say you're grounded, you're grounded."

Amaya flipped her hair angrily and sat back in her seat.

"And no lip. Do you know how much damage you caused?

Mr. Niigata is going to be quite upset when he has to write that check to the owner of that club."

Yori flinched. It would probably come out of his account.

Once again his new wife was costing him a fortune.

"And you'll be lucky if Shaundra doesn't press charges against you."

"For what?" Amaya asked.

"For assault and battery. Everyone said you slapped her first."

"She was rolling on my husband on the dance floor."

Masaaki looked over at him. "You were dancing with Shaundra?"

"It was one dance. Amaya had gone to the ladies' room, and I knew it was Shaundra's favorite song. I was just being..."

"You," Masaaki finished. "You are a married man now.

You're lucky Ichiro wasn't there."

"He showed up toward the end right before the police came," Yori admitted. He rubbed his aching back. "He came for his wife."

"Poor Shaundra. What she must think of you guys. She's probably regretting moving here from the United States. And what a mess if Harper Kehoe finds out. This can cause trouble for NiiKi."

To be fair, Shaundra literally beat the hell out of Amaya.

Except for a few well-placed slaps, Amaya didn't stand a chance against the feisty writer.

"Why do you say 'poor Shaundra'? What part of 'she was belly rolling with my husband' don't you understand, Masaaki?"

"Did Yori complain?" Masaaki asked.

Yori shook his head.

"See, you jumped an innocent woman for nothing. If he didn't complain, that means he enjoyed it."

Amaya rolled her eyes at him.

Yori shrugged at her. So sue me. He didn't regret dancing with Shaundra. She felt good in his arms again.

"She'd better not try to press charges," Amaya threatened as Kenshin drove the limousine onto their street.

"My advice to you is to find a house soon and move into it.

Yori has a China tour coming up shortly, and I can't be bothered with the four of you fighting like a bunch of kids."

"Why do we have to move?" Amaya asked. "Why can't they move?"

"I'm sure Ichiro would, but everyone agreed that he and Shaundra could have the farmhouse since he's been taking care of it since he was a teenager."

Masaaki was right. He'd look for a place on Monday after he took care of Ichiro.

Kenshin pulled up at the front door and Masaaki got out first, followed by Yori and Amaya. Kenshin drove the car around to the garage to park it.

Yori rubbed his back again. Ichiro's kicks were getting super powerful. He hadn't won one fight against him in years, so maybe he should give up, because technically he did mess with Shaundra. No, he was so going to pay that little geisha back.

Masaaki opened the door, and they followed him inside. "I don't want to hear another peep out of you two, and stay as far away from Shaundra and Ichiro as possible."

Ichiro slipped out of his bed and got into the shower while Shaundra snored peacefully in their bed. His entire body ached. Wifey turned into a nymphomaniac when she got really aroused. Not that he was complaining much, but men could not recuperate as fast as women. Shaundra, he'd discovered on their wedding night, was multi-orgasmic.

After showering and dressing, Ichiro tiptoed out of their bedroom and headed downstairs to the kitchen, looking for something to replenish the nourishment Shaundra had drained from his body like a vampire.

Satoshi entered the kitchen for a glass of water right behind him.

"Damn, Ich, you look terrible."

"I'm a bit tired, after the long drive back to Osaka and fighting with Yori." He pulled out the blender and emptied soymilk, two eggs, a teaspoon of vanilla extract and some hot sauce into it and turned the blender on. Once it finished, he poured it into a big glass and drank it down.

Satoshi chuckled. "Shaundra tired you out, didn't she?"

Ichiro nodded.

"I should have your problems."

Ichiro ran water in the sink and washed the glass and blender. "No problem," he replied. Satoshi was such an ass.

"I'd be glad to rent myself out to you for a reasonable stud fee."

"You go anywhere near my wife and I'll kick your ass."

"Whoa, I'm just kidding."

"No, you're not," Ichiro said. "But I can handle you. Yori is the real problem."

"Shaundra was Yori's woman first."

"Yes, but she is now my wife, which means she is off-limits for randy pretty boys."

"Ouch," Satoshi said, clutching his heart. "I'm not randy."

Ichiro sat down at the table. "All the muscles in my thighs hurt. I do not understand why Yori just doesn't give up. He has a beautiful wife who loves him."

Satoshi put his glass in the sink and joined him at the table. "You know Yori. He doesn't like to lose."

Ichiro nodded. That was what frightened him. Yori was also very vindictive. "But we are not kids anymore. We should act like responsible adults, especially Yori since he is the eldest."

"He loves Shaundra. Even you should know what that feels like. You were so depressed when you thought she loved Yori instead of you. She chose you. That should count for something."

"And what is wrong with Amaya? I know she doesn't like Shaundra, but to start a fight at the club like..."

"Us," Satoshi replied.

"Yes. I thought she was a traditional Japanese bride, not some street brawler."

Satoshi chuckled. "If it makes you feel any better, Shaundra whipped her good."

Ichiro smiled. "Really?"

Satoshi nodded. "She can take care of herself. I bet Amaya won't try anything like that with her again."

"She needs to slow down," Ichiro said. "I plan to grow old with her, but I won't be able to if she dies from a stroke or a heart attack. She's not twenty anymore, and no matter how young she looks her heart is fifty years old."

"You'd better not let her hear that," Satoshi warned.

"I love my wife, and I knew about the big age difference when I proposed to her. I don't care about her age, except I want her to take better care of herself. She had me worried before she got hypnotized."

"The Valium?"

Ichiro nodded. "That stuff is addictive. I was so afraid she couldn't kick it."

"But she did, so stop worrying. Maybe she needs something else to fill her days with."

"Like what?" Ichiro asked.

"A baby," Satoshi answered.

"She can't have kids."

"Not the traditional way, but have the two of you considered adoption?"

"I mentioned it to her before we were married, but we've both been so busy."

"Try mentioning it to her again. Maybe she'll change her mind."

"Or kill me," Ichiro said.

"You have a black belt in several martial arts. You can handle her."

Ichiro rubbed his back. "I should have gotten one in bedroom aerobics."

Satoshi looked at him and started laughing. "Is she really insatiable?"

Ichiro bobbed his head up and down quickly, sending his hair in his face.

Satoshi reached over and brushed it out of his face.

"Stupid Yori. He missed out on an opportunity of a lifetime."

"Don't mention any of this to him. I heard them arrive a few minutes ago with Masaaki. Let's just hope they find a house soon. I won't be responsible if Shaundra wants a rematch."

"Let's try not to leave the two of them alone," Satoshi said.

"You're lucky Cristal is a nice young lady. I don't think you have to worry about her bar-brawling."

"Cristal's just a friend," Satoshi said.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard that before. If she's just a friend, Yori is a virgin."

Satoshi could only laugh. "I don't think Yori's ever been a virgin. Maybe he and Amaya should consider having a baby.

That should slow his libido."

Ichiro certainly hoped the two of them didn't procreate.

The world wasn't ready for such a baby. "Where's Takumijo?"

"Sleeping, I hope. He wants to come up with some new dance steps tomorrow for our China tour."

"If there is a China tour," Ichiro said. "With me and Yori at each other's throats, and when word gets out about his arrest, how many fans will show up?"

"You'd be surprised," Satoshi told him. "Everyone likes drama, especially when it happens to idols."

Takumijo had just finished stretching when his cell phone rang. "Hello."

"Hi, Tak."

He'd know that voice anywhere. "How are you?"

"In fine. I just finished up with my latest drama and was thinking it would be nice to go out and have a couple of drinks."

"When did you get back in Osaka?" Takumijo asked his friend.

"This morning. Can you get away?"

"Yes," Takumijo replied. "I'll meet you at the usual place in an hour." He disconnected the call, grabbed his things and left the dance studio.

Half an hour later he was dressed and headed downstairs.

Unfortunately he ran into Masaaki.

"Where are you going?"

"Out," Takumijo answered. He put on his sunglasses and slid them down the bridge of his nose.


"Yes, I'll be back in a couple of hours. I'm meeting a friend."

"Osamu Nakaumura?" Masaaki asked.

"Yes. He just flew in this morning. We're meeting for drinks."

Masaaki shook his head. "I thought Mr. Niigata asked you to stay away from him."

"No, he told me to stay away from him. There's a difference." He walked past Masaaki.

"He is going to ruin your career."

Takumijo spun around. "That's not what you're afraid of.

You think he's going to talk me into leaving Aomori and becoming an actor. Don't worry about that. I'm not interested in changing my profession. I have too many years invested in this group." He walked out of the house. Kenshin had brought his Lexus to the curb and then snuck off to pick his girlfriend up from work.

Takumijo climbed into his car, started the engine and drove toward town. It galled him that Masaaki and Mr. Niigata still treated them like kids. He was twenty-six years old and capable of making his own decisions when it came to his life.

Takumijo maneuvered his way through the traffic until he arrived at the club. He found a parking spot and turned the car off, then walked up to the door and rang the buzzer of the exclusive club. Someone looked at him through a small sliding door. He showed his membership card and gained entrance.

Takumijo entered. For the next couple of hours, what he did behind closed doors was nobody's business.

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